Going to job interviews in a seersucker suit. Just kidding I've never had to go to a job interview. TFM.

  1. John Quincy Fratams

    Even the best of us have had one as a formality. Sounds like you’ve just never had a job geed.

    14 years ago at 11:48 pm
    1. John Quincy Fratams

      Sounds like you’re getting shit jobs if you don’t even have to interview at all. Good luck running the register at the gas station!

      14 years ago at 1:17 am
    1. fratstarequalsdbag

      Probably because the only job interview skill he has is driving a tractor.

      I’m from Nola and if you showed up in a seersucker suit I’d make you shine my shoes

      14 years ago at 3:56 am
    2. Tucker Frats

      I am from NOLA as well. Enjoy watching me frat hard in seer sucker with all of the other wealthy, attractive people on White Linen Night. Have fun in the marigny, hipster.

      14 years ago at 3:13 pm
  2. American Frat

    Seersucker suit in February? Nf. Seersucker suit from Memorial day to Labor day? TFM.

    14 years ago at 12:54 pm
  3. SigmaAlphaEpsilon

    For you poor people without connections. His point is he doesn’t need to apply. Damn geeds

    14 years ago at 2:24 pm
  4. Jetblach Order

    ya and if you did you would probably just give him the grip, and that him would be your dad, who is the CEO of a fortune 500 company, and this interview was on your private jet flying to your beach house. Damn GDI

    So sick of all these worthless posts like this one. This website has completely fallen apart.

    14 years ago at 4:32 pm