Passing around the empty keg like the Stanley Cup after winning a keg race. TFM.

    1. the fratness monster

      ^ Urine is sterile, and you’re peeing into the butt, not sticking it in. Try harder next time.

      12 years ago at 9:19 am
    1. ScottCHB

      No no no, that is preposterous. Officer Stanley Cup was an effeminate Post Captain of an old wooden ship for the union army. Although a ship was later named for him during World War One. I can see how that may have been confusing.

      12 years ago at 2:40 pm
    2. NativeFloridaCracker

      Did I ever tell you about the time Bill Brasky forced me to wear a woman’s bikini? Well anyway, Brasky tears off my clothes and forces me to wear this skimpy bikini. For the next three months I had to conduct my business wearing only a woman’s bathing suit. I would cry from shame and question my manhood daily, but Ill be damned if at the end of the quarter my sales hadn’t tripled.

      12 years ago at 7:19 pm
  1. theUnitedStates

    Hockey is one of the greatest sports on this earth and in this country, but you trolls wouldn’t know anything about it since all you do is sit in your rooms and post on here you geeds.

    12 years ago at 12:36 pm
    1. Bone Padre

      ^^ *eh

      ^^^ beer leagues, fighting, dipping tobacco, cocaine, frat shags, no poors or min.orities, and being the game of America’s greatest sports moment ever. SO FUCKING NF.

      12 years ago at 1:26 pm