Governor Rick Perry being "too busy" to make a meeting with Obama while he was in Austin. TFM.

    1. FraTexas

      Rick Perry is a principled, conservative Texas Aggie. That’s why he’s able to hold down the fort in that liberal cesspool.

      13 years ago at 2:54 am
    1. Costa

      I have personally met Governor Rick Perry and he is by far the most frat member of our government. Following in George W’s footsteps. TFM

      13 years ago at 10:17 pm
    2. RagingAndShotgunning

      First of all, he said it jokingly you ignorant fuck. Secondly, show respect to your future president.

      13 years ago at 12:45 am
    3. Vincent Van Bro

      Texas is as capable to secede from the union as any other state. Idaho, New York, or Ohio for example, could secede if they wanted. Texas’ constitution binds them to the “United States Constitution”, not to any branches of our government like every other state constitution. Texas would probably be able to sustain themselves, for awhile, but due to our ever-burdensome federal government, they would be stopped violently from ever attempting secession. Texas, you’re not that special.

      13 years ago at 1:45 am
    4. Kipper

      I’ve had the pleasure of meeting 43 and Gov. Perry several times. I have to say they are both two of the nicest, down to earth, principled guys you could ever meet.

      13 years ago at 10:08 am
    1. ManhattanClam

      Dems would love that ticket as well. You have Perry who advocated for secession who would want to then run for the highest office in the Union that he just threatened to leave and Barbour calling himself a “red neck” on national television and being proud of it. Not to mention saying that growing up during the Jim Crow era wasn’t “all that bad”. Too many examples to list. President Obama might not carry a single county in OK, but this “dream ticket” would never carry a single county in NY and 99% of the rest of the Northeast.

      13 years ago at 12:06 pm
    2. SigmaPitillidie

      Noone cares about the northeast “bra” how about you go suck an Obama dick

      13 years ago at 4:57 pm
    3. ManhattanClam

      Now now Johnny Reb remember what your “Mama” taught you about proper southern manners…

      13 years ago at 6:13 pm
    4. Kipper

      @ ManhattanClam: Unfortunately you do have a point. Perhaps there still are people in our great nation still too racist to elect a white man from The South. Perry wasn’t truly advocating secession and Barbour has done a great job both as Gov. and RNC Chairman. But yes; Obama’s propaganda team would have an easy time with sound bites and attack ads.

      13 years ago at 9:55 pm
    5. ManhattanClam

      @Kipper: Haha please you can’t expect me to be that naive. “Perry wasn’t truly advocating secession” seriously man it doesn’t take a genius to listen to the press conferences, interviews, etc to figure out what he would want to do. As for Barbour, I’m sure he’s proud of being Gov. of a state that ranks #1 in poverty and obesity as well as the shittiest public school system in the country. Yes, he did help take back the House in ’94. He’ll be remembered for ushering in a new majority that helped lead to a government shutdown. Great track record.

      13 years ago at 12:06 pm