Slampiece rolls up the sleeves on my casual oxfords before she puts them in my closet. TFM.

  1. PTG Beauregard

    You’re too retarded or lazy to even roll up your sleeves? Does your piece chew your food for you and then spit it down your gullet?

    14 years ago at 10:53 pm
    1. BrosephBracale

      I’m not too retarded or lazy to make a sandwich, but I have my slampiece do it. It’s just principle.

      14 years ago at 11:00 pm
    2. Anonymous Rugby guy

      Not being able to roll up your own sleeves, Obviously NF. Not needing to because one of your slams does it for you…FaF

      Also, making your own sandwiches and giving yourself your own hand jobs…TGeedM

      14 years ago at 12:15 am
    3. PTG Beauregard

      No, I dig having slampieces do stuff, but I know my grandfather would slap the shit out of me for not being willing to do something as simple as roll up my own damn sleeves. There’s privilege, and then there’s just being an un-American little pussy.

      14 years ago at 12:39 pm