Ben & Jerry Sues Maker of Pornographic Film “Ben & Cherry’s”

Thick, creamy, white, and covering the mouths and lips of people everywhere, BEGGING to be licked up–it has been a part of American culture for the past thirty-five years. Ice cream you freaks, what were you thinking?

But the Ben & Jerry way is facing a creamy white challenge of an entirely different sort:

Ben & Jerry’s sued the maker of “Ben & Cherry’s” X-rated DVDs Wednesday, saying the “hardcore pornographic” films have smeared the ice cream maker’s reputation.

You can’t deny that the title “Ben & Cherry’s” is hilarious, and in my opinion, there’s no way Ben & Jerry’s wins this lawsuit. The problem lies within their justification of the lawsuit, saying that the skinflick is associating their “innocent” product with pornography. Unfortunately for the ice cream company, they have themselves featured extremely sexual ice creams titled “Schweddy Balls” and “Karamel Sutra.” Not only are these disgusting names for ice cream flavors, but it also sounds extremely hypocritical.

My suggestion to the world? Open up a box of Ben & Jerry’s while you enjoy an evening of Ben & Cherry’s. The irony! Unsurprisingly, “Ben & Cherry’s” is even beating Ben & Jerry’s in the top google search. Seems like everyone has the same idea here.


  1. futureleader14

    Your logic is sound, but that’s not the way the legal system works here. The film’s title mimics Ben & Jerry’s’ brand name in a way that could negatively affect its public image. Ben and Jerry’s certainly has a civil case.

    12 years ago at 3:36 pm
    1. Charleston FratEN

      At best they get it re-named. There’s no way they get any money out of it. They would have to prove that the porn had caused them decreased revenue, which is literally impossible.

      12 years ago at 6:07 pm
  2. Chucktastic

    Fuck Ben & Jerry! Commie fucks! Hope they choke to death on each others cocks!

    12 years ago at 7:48 pm
    1. grandfrat

      It kinda looked like a leg or a small creature’s foot. I was confused, just thought the TFM would like to know.

      12 years ago at 7:13 pm