Video Shows Bold Colorado Dude Offering Obama Hit Of Legal Weed At A Bar, And The President Declining


President Obama was recently in Denver to, who knows, do president stuff? Not sure what exactly that entails in Colorado at this moment. Just some handshakes and bullshittin’ most likely. “How’s everything going here? Crime and unemployment are down? Pizza sales through the roof? Most of your Super Bowl shame is gone? Great!”

Maybe the president just needed a break from forming some weird, unholy partnership with Russia, Iran, and possibly Assad over the ISIS mess? That would explain why Obama was grabbing a beer and shooting pool with Colorado Governor Hickenlooper at a local bar. You need to let off some steam after a long week of trying to micromanage a nightmare with three unbelievable assholes. I get it. If it were me I’d be a bottle of scotch deep, throwing letter openers at interns, just like I do now.

Though, if Obama was just taking it easy for a day, maybe he should have partaken in Colorado’s newest, and absurdly lucrative, vice; especially since he was offered a hit by one bold Coloradan, who got the exchange on video.

It was worth a shot. It’s not like Obama’s never done it before. But the president can’t take too much of an edge off right now. If anything someone should have offered Obama a line or two (something else he’s done before). You’ve got a lot of work to do, Barry. A little boost couldn’t hurt. But not too much, or things could get weird.

In the end it was pretty funny offer Obama some weed, though obviously the president was never going to say yes. It’s for the best he didn’t anyway. Between yesterday’s German beatdown of Brazil and a video of the president ripping a bowl, the internet would have imploded upon itself, forever destroying the web and all electricity, and everyone’s day would have been like that NBC show “Revolution”: boring.

[via Instagram]

  1. roundrockdonuts

    Don’t respect his political decisions but I do respect the insane amount of personal restraint that took.

    11 years ago at 3:21 pm
      1. Squid1869

        Im sorry…did you guys not know George W. Bush’s dad was George H. W. Bush, another president of our Country. This would make 2 presidents with the last name Bush, one senior and one junior.

        11 years ago at 4:34 pm
      2. Makers__Mark

        It doesn’t matter. This wasn’t directed at bush junior, because he doesn’t exist. Asshat.

        11 years ago at 4:26 pm
    1. BornNorthRaisedSouth

      The guy lucked out actually. Obama would of nig lipped it and the whole joint would of been ruined. Thanks Obama

      11 years ago at 8:45 am
  2. Fly Alpha

    We will continue to have democrat presidents until republican candidates start accepting current social policies like weed and abortion.. or until voters learn about the libertarian party. It’s a shame because Romney would’ve done wonders for our economy but let his mormon beliefs get in the way.

    11 years ago at 3:35 pm
    1. BillyQuantrill

      Bullshit. We will continue to have Democrat presidents so long as the GOP sits idly by while libs play identity politics and pit ethic, racial, and social groups against each other.

      11 years ago at 12:09 pm
  3. JohnFradden

    Thank you, Bacon, for writing a very boring article about a video that could have been posted in the video section.

    11 years ago at 4:30 pm