Boston College QB: “Dedicating this season to the realest there ever was… #RIPHARAMBE”
Buckle up, you sluts. Unlike the sweet prince himself, Harambe memes are far from dead.
The latest to show support for the deceased gorilla: Boston College QB Patrick Towles. The former Kentucky quarterback and Alpha Tau Omega brother dedicated the upcoming 2016 season to Harambe (blessed be His name).
“Dedicating this season to the realest there ever was… #RIPHARAMBE,” he posted.
Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Towles. You can only dedicate a season to one, maybe two people tops. And y’all didn’t make the cut. Doesn’t matter if you “taught him to throw a football before he could walk.” Better luck next year.
As for the rest of you, I hope it’s not too chilly where you live — your dick is going to be out for Harambe for a long time..
Be sure to pick up our new Rowdy Harambe and Harambe 2016 t-shirts:
Image via YouTube
This is stupid
9 years ago at 12:00 pmI’ll take the laps, still think it’s stupid.
9 years ago at 12:44 pmDude kinda looks like Boosh.
9 years ago at 12:01 pmIts Boosh with some semblance of athletic ability
9 years ago at 12:38 pmI think he has ass burgers
9 years ago at 1:35 pmI mean I guess it’s sort of funny, but I think people need to just let this trend die already.
9 years ago at 12:03 pmI’m not going to read a shitty article about a gorilla no one truly gives a shit about. That being said, why is the BC qb wearing a Kentucky jersey?
9 years ago at 12:04 pm“Former Kentucky quarterback”
9 years ago at 12:14 pmI didn’t read the article retard
9 years ago at 12:17 pmAttacking someone without getting all the facts. TFM
9 years ago at 12:22 pm“I’m not going to read the shitty article”
9 years ago at 12:33 pmIlliteracy. TNM
Power move
9 years ago at 12:12 pmKing Harambe died so that this trend could live on forever
9 years ago at 12:17 pmMakes sense, this goober of a QB is a couple DNA mutations short of being a gorilla himself.
9 years ago at 12:40 pmThis dude looks like he could put away a couple of cases of natty
9 years ago at 1:24 pmKentucky to BC seems like a lateral move…
9 years ago at 2:05 pmHe essentially went from one team that Louisville takes to the woodshed in football every season to another team that Louisville takes to the woodshed every season in football.
9 years ago at 4:03 pmFulton Reed
9 years ago at 3:51 pm