In elementary school, I used my metal slammer against your geed plastic one to take all of your pogs. TFM.

  1. Brodyssius

    What mystical card did you use to defeat his wizard (or whatever they call it) when you played Magic?…homo.

    I bet you collected beanie babies at one point too.


    14 years ago at 10:16 pm
  2. Six_Thirty

    You know you grew up in Geed ass chicago when…

    Stop tarnishing the reputation of my beautiful state

    14 years ago at 12:53 am
  3. ItJustComesFratural

    I actually think this is hilarious. Not only is it nostalgic but it’s a classic example of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I bet you told all the geed kids that your pogs would eventually trickle down to them.

    14 years ago at 4:50 pm