Turning a childhood video game into a competitive drinking game. TFM.

  1. booze haze sIam

    everyone always talks about n64 and all those old ass games. xbox is where its at. grow up and live in the present you fucking try hards.

    12 years ago at 10:23 am
    1. Plan B is Plan A

      Although the graphics are dated, the reason so many people on this site continue to play N64 is because the games allowed local 4-way multiplayer (Goldeneye, Smash, Mario Kart, etc). XBox and PS3 games are almost all online-only multiplayer now, which just isn’t the same. Shit talking is a lot more fun when the other person is in the same room as you.

      12 years ago at 11:18 am
    2. right or wrong

      buying multiple systems and tv’s in the same room TFM, RFM, TrichchildhoodM

      12 years ago at 4:11 pm
  2. Douglas MacArthur

    For Dorn this means finding a way to turn Centipede on Atari 2600 into a drinking game.

    12 years ago at 11:13 am
  3. Mario Kart – Don’t Drink and Drive. Everyone has to finish a beer before their last lap starts. Can only drink when you’re not driving. Drink at beginning, before crossing for last lap, or during crashes.

    12 years ago at 1:26 pm