BREAKING: Joseph Kony Involved In Peace Talks, The DeVry Guy Is Not Amused
As the leader of the #KONY2013 movement, it came as no surprise when Bacon appointed me TFM’s “Central African Daycare Expert” and asked me to cover the Kony peace talks. I hate Kony with all my heart. Dude sucks. It’s really one of those internal hatreds where I just get so worked up whenever I hear his name that all the blood in my body makes a beeline for my dick in what can only be described as the most raging, bulbous anger-boner east of the Mississippi. I’ll try to put my discontent for JoKo into list form, though.
1. He’s a jerk. Dude enslaves little children and makes them kill people. It doesn’t get much worse than that. If you’re going to enslave kids, at least make it for a worthwhile cause, like making my clothes or something.
2. His stance on elementary education is waaaaayyyy too progressive.
3. His Movember mustache is better than mine and I resent him for that.
4. My KONY 2012 shirt shrunk when my mom put it in the wash, even though it says ON THE LABEL that it was pre-shrunk. That’s probably not his fault, but whatever. Now when I wear it, I feel like I’m not spreading awareness of #KONY2012, but rather awareness of my nipples.
I wake up every morning with hopes that the United States has come to its senses while I was asleep and sent SEAL Team 6 in to dispose of this awful man. And have they? No. Bogus. Kony is still hiding in a cave or tree or African Chuck E. Cheese or whatever, laughing at us, the dedicated followers of the #KONY2012 and now #KONY2013 movements, for being such losers. It’s not our fault, y’asshole. Yeah, we were bullied in middle school. Yeah, we were bullied in high school. Yeah, we’re bullied in college. Yeah, our fearless leader got caught out in public with his crank in his hand. None of these things mean our beliefs and actions don’t matter! Fuck you, Kony! #KONY2013
How many more men will go to jail for public masturbation before Kony’s reign of terror ends? As of now, potentially none. Kony’s hiding out in the Central African Republic and is in talks with their government.
A CAR government spokesman told the BBC that Kony was in the country but wanted his security to be guaranteed before giving himself up.
Fuck. That. I’ll be buried deep under John Wayne Gacy’s floorboards before I EVER let Kony get off scot-free. He’s not leaving that African Chuck E. Cheese on my watch unless he’s in a motherfucking body bag. Kony would already be dead if I wasn’t such an idiot. I thought I bought a one-way ticket to CAR a couple years back to go show Joseph PHONY who’s boss, but it turns out I actually just bought an “Admit One” movie ticket to Cars 2.
Deez nuts. That’s what I have to say about you and your peace talks, Kony. Fuck off.
[via BBC]
“How many more men will go to jail for public masturbation before Kony’s reign of terror ends?” Answer: 1 more (Bacon)
11 years ago at 8:41 pmThey always replace the second ‘o’ with a ‘y’. Really pisses me off. I support #KOON2013
11 years ago at 8:46 pmBefore I clicked the link I thought this was a story about Carl Weathers.
11 years ago at 9:14 pm
Pretty much sums it all up
11 years ago at 9:20 pmI got to about :03.
11 years ago at 6:00 pm#Kony2014
11 years ago at 10:20 pmI here if you get 1000 tickets at African Chuck E. Cheese, you can win a lightly used AK-47 from the prize wall.
11 years ago at 11:22 pmhear* god it’s just painful to try and read man, come on, grade school grammar. also your joke was awful.
11 years ago at 2:55 amSo sorry for the mistake there pal. Hey, while we’re playing grammar Nazi, you should try capitalizing your words at the beginning of sentences. It makes you look like less of hypocrite.
11 years ago at 3:48 am^ ZING.
11 years ago at 8:52 amFUCK YOU DOLOMITE !
11 years ago at 10:34 amRushing kids like Kony. TFM.
11 years ago at 11:39 pmThis article caused me to laugh.
11 years ago at 7:57 amSpreading awareness of your nipples. It’s a TFM.
11 years ago at 11:57 am