Bristol Motor Speedway Preps For Va. Tech-Tennessee By Ordering Half A Million Beers


Saturday night should be a fun one in Bristol. Virginia Tech and Tennessee fans will pack Bristol Motor Speedway for the first ever college football game played at a racetrack. 150,000 people are expected to be in attendance. To make sure everyone in the stadium is well hydrated, BMS ordered quite a bit of beer.

While that may seem like a lot, that only comes to 3.6 beers per person in attendance. One beer per quarter just seems like quite the underestimate from BMS. Even if half the stadium isn’t drinking, the half that is will be drinking more than 7.2 beers during the game. Wouldn’t shock me if they ran out.

Who drinks more at Bristol Motor Speedway: Hokie and Volunteer fans or the rednecks who pack the raceway for a NASCAR event?

    1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

      Tennessee is such a power house. The way they blew out App is just proof that UT is taking home the crystal ball trophy this year.

      8 years ago at 1:42 pm
  1. Colonel Reb forever

    They’ll need that many beers to distract from the fact that Bristol is too big to accommodate this game. Neyland Stadium can literally fit inside the speedway, so basically the only good seats will be in front of your tv at home.

    8 years ago at 1:06 pm
    1. Gamefrock69

      Siblings got arrested for inside betting on the over/under for how many freshman the Brock conquers this weekend

      8 years ago at 3:46 pm
      1. HurricaneSzn

        TFM you can take away fail Friday and comments of the week but at least blac ball this fuck, he is so unfunny he makes hitler look like a comedian

        8 years ago at 4:44 pm
  2. Oldfrattybastard

    Trick question….They are the same fans. They just can’t park their wretched RV’s on the infield this weekend.

    8 years ago at 1:45 pm
  3. The_dadbod

    Vols will do their all for Tennessee… Especially drink half a million beers.

    8 years ago at 9:37 pm
  4. She said she was 18

    Plot twist: real NASCAR fans bring their own coolers full of beer. Last sporting event that really embraces the good ole days when you could get trashed without breaking the bank.

    8 years ago at 11:23 pm