american eagle deer

This Buck Doing Everything In Its Power To Escape An American Eagle Store Is All Of Us In 2016

I didn’t want to go full Buzzfeed on this title; I had to go full Buzzfeed on this title. Because, for once, it is actually accurate.

Who the hell still wears American Eagle? Yeah, maybe AE was cool back in seventh grade when my hair was so gelled out it could cut diamonds and you could smell the Axe body spray I drenched myself in from three middle schools over, but this is 2016. And this big ol’ buck knows that all too well.

The eagle is the sworn enemy of the buck; everyone knows that. Nature’s crazy, dude.

[via Alec Williams]

Image via Alec Williams

      1. Yeah, go to the wall, photo, video section. It is all there, unless you have a thing for drunks getting stacked and shitting themselves, then I guess you are just going to have to wait.

        8 years ago at 8:45 pm
      2. Mitch The Godfather Martin

        or have the unfortunate experience of stumbling into a gaggle of GDIs.

        8 years ago at 3:13 am
  1. Christian_Frackenberg14

    This Buck Doing Everything In It’s Power To Escape An American Eagle Store is All Of TFM Readers In 2016

    8 years ago at 4:53 pm
  2. olderthanyou

    Just drop off the Boris from your name. Then we won’t have to read your articles. Your name will rate them for us.

    8 years ago at 2:16 pm
  3. Fratty the Broman

    If I take this buck into an Abercrombie and Fitch; how many model retail associates would be head butted?

    8 years ago at 3:45 pm
    1. Deadbeat_Dad

      It would be much worse, the dark and blinding amount of perfume would make it go into a blind rage.

      8 years ago at 8:19 am