Cal’s Chancellor Has Emergency Exit In His Office In Case He Needs To Escape A Protest
The University of California Berkeley chancellor is terrified of his own kind.
Chancellor Nicholas Dirks preemptively dropped $9,000 on an emergency escape hatch in his own office in response to an April 2015 protest where students staged a sit-in outside his office door. Dirks, a huge baby, is too scared to confront his own students so he used taxpayer money to build a panic room.
From FOX Newss:
The emergency exit — built late last month — was ordered in response to an April 2015 protest during which students stormed the chancellor’s suite and staged a sit-in outside his office, the paper reported. Students reportedly banged on desks and chanted loudly before being escorted out of the building, some in handcuffs.
Campus spokeswoman Claire Holmes confirmed construction of the door inside California Hall, telling the paper it was installed as a safety measure to “provide egress to leave the building.”
The new door did not sit well with some students at the public university.“There has to be other ways to handle student concerns and protests than simply building ways to avoid them,” ASUC Senator-elect Chris Yamas told the paper.
“The chancellor seems elitist and out of touch and inaccessible to the students,” Yamas said.
Yes, that should deter the peasants from storming the gates of the king’s castle ever again.
I’m not particularly sympathetic to protesters. In fact, I think there are dozens of other meaningful ways to garner support or action around a cause without being a pain in the ass to everyone around you. In this instance, though, I am 100 percent behind whatever the dumb issue is that has this elitist asshole building a state-of-the-art emergency exit hatch. And you should be, too.
Protesters aren’t dangerous at all. They just like to yell and get riled up. It’s a turn-on for them. The fact that this guy thought his life was in danger just proves to me that some professional academics are huge pussies. Student protests have been happening at Cal for decades and not once has a chancellor ever been physically harmed.
I hope the protesters storm the gates and occupy Dirk’s office until he runs out of canned food in his emergency hatch and is forced to come out and address them. Then, I hope the protesters actually beat the shit out of him. They should really get their money’s worth with this assclown.
In a morally and financially bankrupt state like California, this kind of spending is fucking absurd..
[via FOX News]
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That guy just looks like a fuck
9 years ago at 10:51 am*looks like he fucks
9 years ago at 11:18 amLittle boys
9 years ago at 11:19 amYou would assume people would think he is doing a good job when this is at the top of his list.
9 years ago at 10:51 amIsn’t*
9 years ago at 10:52 amIf he is so scared of protestors, why is he at Cal of all fucking schools?
9 years ago at 11:17 amFor the salary
9 years ago at 4:51 pmThat man could fuck my mom all he wants
9 years ago at 11:32 amSpent some time trying to understand this. No dice.
9 years ago at 12:09 pmWhile protesting is NF, so is being a pussy. You face those liberals head on and tell them to fuck off.
9 years ago at 12:41 pmAren’t escape exists and panic rooms FAF though, all wealthy and people of importance has them, or am I just dilusional?
9 years ago at 1:28 pmI don’t think you have taken an English class, or am I wrong?
9 years ago at 1:43 pmExcuse my literacy we have it bad here in Africa.
9 years ago at 2:04 pmYou being delusional notwithstanding, running from your problems is decidedly NF.
9 years ago at 2:08 pmAlso, Hillary Clinton is wealthy and is the 2nd least frat thing in the world. Wealth does not automatically mean someone or something is frat.
9 years ago at 2:12 pmI got you, but something about being protested outside your building, but you just go behind a bookshelf and grab a coffee down the block or something while SJWs and GDIs scream at nothing for hours seems pretty amussing and frat.
9 years ago at 4:04 pmThe said thing is this cheeseball easily makes well into six figures to work like 4 hours a day, and just used $9,000 in taxpayer money to build a room just for his giant pussy.
9 years ago at 1:31 pmglasses are frat as fuck
9 years ago at 7:33 pmYou know you say protesters aren’t dangerous at all, but if you listen to Billy O and the boys at Fox News, you’d believe those negro protesters are out for white blood!!!
9 years ago at 8:04 pm