Campus PD: Almost Average

I’m sick of hearing all local law enforcement officers referred to as heroes in the same breath with soldiers risking their lives overseas. I’m sure there are some officers out there who really are protecting and serving, but none those guys are working for a university police department. Becoming a police officer has always been the go to career path for every C student with an unfulfilled superiority complex. I’m sorry you fucked up in your youth and desperately want people to respect you, officer. The reality is everyone hates you because your only real job is traffic control and ruining the evenings of underage kids everywhere.

The demographics on college campuses just don’t lend themselves to actual crime. The worst criminal on campus is probably some kid selling grams out of his dorm room.

I have to very clearly clarify that my hatred is strictly towards campus police. Officers who have to patrol the streets of urban warzones like Detroit and East St. Louis are actually serving a noble purpose. But campus PD officers? Fuck no. Did they really go to the academy with the dream of directing pedestrian traffic and chasing bicycle thieves in a town like College Station? Probably not. Campus PD is really the worst case scenario for a life in law enforcement. I take that back. Mall cop would be worse, but only slightly. At least mall cops have admitted defeat. They are content protecting department stores from the heinous crime of petty shoplifting. Campus PD should take note. They should accept the fact that their job is essentially babysitting college students until we leave in 4 years and promptly make more money than their sergeant.

The career progression for a campus officer is quite impressive. Start out as a bike cop. Get promoted to traffic cop. Get promoted to Director of Bike Theft Task Force. Twenty years of mediocrity and long nights crying yourself to sleep later and you’re Chief! GOOD JOB BRO! Being the Chief of Campus Police is like having a building at a community college named after you. You’ve reached the peak of your professional career but ultimately you still end up just short of relevance.

It’s a depressing life, but there’s no need to take it out us. They take themselves a little too seriously. Do you really need to arrest someone for being drunk in public? Public is fucking everywhere! It’s kind of hard to not be drunk in public. Every time I see someone pulled out of a bar for drinking underage it’s hard to believe that there isn’t a better way for that officer to be allocating his time. They get paid $30.00/hr to drive around and ruin as many evenings as possible. They are motivated by the same thing that drives tow truck drivers, meter maids, postal workers, and every other professional peddler of aggravation. They literally subsist on sucking the joy from others to fill the infinite pit of despair that is their soul.

In conclusion… FUCK THE (campus) POLICE.

    1. Brohan

      The Officer who died was an Army Veteran so the guy writing this article can shut the fuck up and stop bitching about “Campus Security”

      13 years ago at 2:04 pm
    2. I Piss Excellence

      Didn’t see your post before making mine, but yes sir. Those officers have put their lives on the line for that campus twice in the last 4 1/2 years. Good people up there.

      13 years ago at 9:18 pm
  1. Fraternity Lifestyle

    Only one place in the country creates the necessity for a pizza delivery driver to invent a bulletproof vest… the D

    13 years ago at 2:18 pm
    1. EOE313

      Hey man I am a campus cop in the D and have pulled numerous guns and felons off the street and given 0 MIP’S in my time. Not all cops are the same FYI!!!!

      13 years ago at 7:09 pm
  2. I Piss Excellence

    The Virginia Tech PD has put themselves in death’s way twice in the last 4 and a half years to protect students. Obviously most campus officers don’t face those scenarios, but let’s have some respect for those who have.

    13 years ago at 9:17 pm
  3. StoneColdSouthern

    You’re a disrespectful fuck. First of all, you absolutely cannot generalize law enforcement officials that way. My father is one of the highest ranking police officers in a major Texas city. He’s served on the Officer Involved Shooting Board, city crisis management, and makes in the six-figures. He’s also the smartest man I know, with degrees in criminal justice and history from UT Austin. He’s been shot at, stabbed, had bones broken, and received numerous honors for putting himself in harms way every single day for 15 years. At my university, they have been both shootings and suspected shootings, and you’d better believe that the UPD are out there responding right along with the city police. Maybe you go to some wretched, terrible little dusty town with Paul Blart serving as Chief of Police, but don’t you DARE generalize the way you just did. Learn some respect. Someday, you might be in a position where your life is being saved by one of the local heros that you just insulted. Get your act together.

    13 years ago at 9:56 pm
    1. tr

      Welcome to TFM–we all like to make jokes, none of us can take them!
      Seriously though, StoneColdSouthern, cop jokes are okay. I think most of us are smart enough to know that police officers serve a valuable purpose and really do risk their lives to keep us all safe, but they also like to arrest us for being degenerate drunks. Thus, we make fun of them.

      13 years ago at 12:12 am
    2. TheCommodore

      Stonecold, you might pull something if you try any harder. Chill the fuck out and take a lap to cool down.

      13 years ago at 7:46 am
  4. SouthernDemocrat1862

    If they make 30 an hour then they are doing better than some, well alot of FBI and CIA jobs. I doubt they make $20 an hour.

    13 years ago at 11:40 pm