The Highest Approval Rating Amongst Americans Belongs To… Canada?
It’s not an ice-cold adult beverage company, professional sports league, or leader of the free world that currently is the most favorably approved entity amongst all Americans, but our neighbors to the north that we all seemingly have the most positive perception of, according to a new NBC/WSJ poll.
The biggest crowd-pleasing thing in the United States is another country? And not some exotic paradise like Fiji or New Zealand, but the Home Depot of sovereign nations, Canada?
Shoutout to the three percent of TRUE patriots that told those Canucks to kick rocks. A lot of people just let the War of 1812 slide, as if it didn’t happen, but not that 3 percent.
Those flannel-wearing, maple syrup-chugging bastards are up to no good. They’re just waiting for their time to strike. In the meantime, they’re taking all of our jobs in the NHL and letting Canadian geese brutally murder innocent civilians. Those cold-blooded birds are currently attributing to countless airline and automotive fatalities and we’re just chalking them up as accidents. Like these menacing suicide bombers of the sky don’t know what they’re doing. Wake the fuck up, America. Canada is no friend..
Image via Shutterstock
I mean, they gave us Terrence and Phillip.
8 years ago at 4:09 pmShut your fucking face uncle fucker
8 years ago at 7:48 am52% of people dislike Hillary. Yet she will somehow have over 50% of votes.
8 years ago at 4:17 pmNo she won’t
8 years ago at 5:01 pmRegardless of political beliefs, can you not comprehend someone disliking two candidates and picking the one they dislike less? I hate Hillary a lot. But if I hated Trump more and was in a swing state what would (hypothetical me) do?
8 years ago at 6:21 pmIf you hated Trump more than you would be a liberal.
8 years ago at 6:40 pmThen* and no you wouldn’t, idiot. Trump doesn’t embody the true ideals of the Republican Party so not voting for him doesn’t make you a liberal.
8 years ago at 7:01 pmBut voting for Hillary does
8 years ago at 7:12 pmHe was talking about voting for Hillary over Trump, idiot. And yes, if your ideology aligns closer to what Hillary Clinton says and believes in rather than what Donald Trump does, then you are a liberal. Sorry.
8 years ago at 7:24 pmBmichaels, I was not saying I would you dumb motherfucker. I was giving a hypothetical person who does not necessarily identify with either political ideology. As in a moderate, as in roughly 40% of the country. Inability to understand electoral politics beyond who you’re voting for is inexcusable. You have the Internet, go read you moron.
8 years ago at 10:58 amJohnson/Weld 2016
8 years ago at 9:38 pmMexico is rapidly becoming a failed state. How the fuck does anyone view it positively, let alone the significant majority of people polled?
8 years ago at 7:43 pmBecause this is an NBC poll.
8 years ago at 10:08 pmTruly an honour. Please keep it as an admiration from afar though… You guys are scaring us right now.
8 years ago at 9:53 pmGood.
8 years ago at 7:39 amFuck Canada, eh.
8 years ago at 10:57 pmI didn’t want to be your friend anyways fatty
8 years ago at 11:04 am