Canada Sends Spy Robot To Collect Intel On America, Philadelphia Saves The Day And Beheads The S.O.B.

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You’re welcome, America. Say what you will about Philadelphia, but some fine, outstanding citizen of my hometown just did this country a huge solid.

HitchBOT was supposedly a Canadian study on how humans would interact with robotics. This miniature, immobile “Lost in Space” looking fraud that relied solely on the kindness (obliviousness) of strangers was set to travel across the United States, starting in New England and ending its journey in San Francisco.

A photo posted by Kyle J. Silva (@kylejsilva) on

Good one, Canada. You think you can pull a fast one on us like that? Not in Philly. We’re not falling for your whole “Oh, golly gee willikers” charade you put on for the rest of the world to see. No one is that polite. You sneaky maple syrup snorting, beaver fucking, Drake fanboys were up to no good. “Hitchhiking robot?” Kick rocks, Canucks. That was straight espionage.

Thankfully, some patriot, most likely from Delco, saw right through your lies like they were a glass of Molson Canadian 67 and ripped the head clean off this R2D2 with pool noodle extremities.


h/t NBC News

Image via Twitter

    1. ColonelAngus69

      Iiin some part of Canada I was made,
      Chuggin syrup in flanels is how I spent most of my days,
      Hitchhiking, sight seeing and chugging syrup with tools,
      I wanted to get out of Canada where I was freezing my jewels,
      When a couple of guys who were up to no good,
      Dropped me off in Philly somewhere in the hood,
      Thugs took my arms and I was quite scared,
      And that’s how I died on my way to Bel Air

      9 years ago at 2:26 pm
  1. DillonChereveve

    Only robotic interaction that would be successful here involves a fleshlight.

    9 years ago at 1:03 pm
  2. DornFromMajorLeague

    You can’t trust any country that thinks ketchup chips are an acceptable thing to eat.

    9 years ago at 1:12 pm
  3. Jim_Webb_2016

    They should have know. That visiting teams and mascots are generally not
    greeted or treated with much respect. Especially Canadian spy robots.

    We should have thrown fucking snowballs at it.

    In all seriousness Philadelphia is actually a pretty great bar scene city.

    9 years ago at 1:18 pm
  4. Asteroid

    Well considering the last time we let a Canadian make it out to California we got stuck with Justin Beiber I’d say this was just smart thinking.

    9 years ago at 1:20 pm
  5. katalyst

    This will set Canadian robotics technology back 100 years. That piece of shit looks like it came out of a 5th grade science fair. I could literally build a better robot with empty Natty cans, a microwave and a box of dildos.

    9 years ago at 1:58 pm
    1. Sailgating

      If those dildos are vibrators, especially ones with multiple speed settings, you’d have yourself a good amount of electronics to work with -Fratgineer

      9 years ago at 9:16 pm