A GDI threw an egg at our fratcastle. I called the gardener over from the back to come clean it up. When he got out front the GDI saw him and said "dad?" TFM. frat star14 years ago
Everything's Frattier in Texas why would the gdi still be there? those pussies would have run away forsure. this didnt happen 14 years ago at 10:05 am
Man The other week I saw some GDI beat the shit out of 6 Chi Phi’s…. So he might not have run. I’m callin BS anyway tho 14 years ago at 6:54 am
frat mclain seriously? probably like 80% of these posts arent true but theyre still funny. 14 years ago at 11:24 am
Brocreation Doesn’t matter if it’s real or not… it’s a metaphor. A hilarious one. 14 years ago at 1:00 am
14 years ago at 9:21 amagreed. Definitely did not happen.
14 years ago at 9:27 amNot in Michigan. Our gardeners don’t speak English.
14 years ago at 10:17 amI’m calling shenanigans
14 years ago at 9:50 amThat’s actually funny, even if you are from Michigan.
14 years ago at 9:58 amwhy would the gdi still be there? those pussies would have run away forsure.
this didnt happen
14 years ago at 10:05 amThe other week I saw some GDI beat the shit out of 6 Chi Phi’s…. So he might not have run. I’m callin BS anyway tho
14 years ago at 6:54 amseriously? probably like 80% of these posts arent true but theyre still funny.
14 years ago at 11:24 amtrue but this is to an extreme.
14 years ago at 12:06 pmslightly funny, but no way it’s real. Stop bullshitting.
14 years ago at 1:13 pmThis did not happen. But it might as well have.
14 years ago at 4:06 amDoesn’t matter if it’s real or not… it’s a metaphor. A hilarious one.
14 years ago at 1:00 am