Dropped my Finance class because the professor grew up in Soviet Russia. Commies shouldn't teach business. TFM.

  1. ballball

    seeing as he personally lived through the collapse of communism, he probably understands the value of capitalism over communism. throw out your medical card, its affecting your decision making

    14 years ago at 10:18 am
    1. Ben Elli

      Jealously is not the word you were looking for, I think you mean jealousy. Hope you are not a fucking retard soon.

      For the record, I used to live in California and am jealous of nothing.

      14 years ago at 12:49 pm
  2. Anonymous Rugby guy

    Any Rand grew up in Soviet Russia, and understood business and economics better than anyone I’ve ever met from the People’s Republic of California.

    14 years ago at 11:12 am
    1. ballball

      no he meant any. the prolific Rand family is well known throughout the world for their economic brilliance. idiot.

      14 years ago at 11:34 am
    2. FrattingNorthwest

      I was about to write this after I read the comments. Just because you were born in a broken system doesn’t mean you can’t learn otherwise.

      14 years ago at 3:29 pm
  3. FrozenFrat

    kill yourself, geed

    A fraternity gentleman would recognize that having watched the failure of communism from the inside, this professor has a better appreciation and understanding of capitalism than your ignorant ass ever will. I’d love to take an econ class with an ex-soviet professor.

    14 years ago at 11:40 am
  4. 1871

    presumably if he lives in the US, he understands the flaws of communism, as well as the issues of oligopoly rife in Russia today

    14 years ago at 11:40 am
  5. SokoBro

    Moved here from Russia in 93′ top 10 percent wealthiest families in America, internship at a multi-million dollar energy company as the CEO’s right hand man and financial analyst for the company, and I’m a 22 year old fratstar…. I guess since I was born in Russia I don’t know anything about business or money

    14 years ago at 3:07 pm
    1. Frat Rat

      Getting the CEOs coffee/sandwich and making him copies makes you his righthand man? No, it makes you his assistant.

      Also, top 10% wealth in America means your parents make about $100k a year and have about $600k in assets. Respectable upper-middle class, but surprised you’d brag about it on here.

      14 years ago at 4:45 am
    2. SokoBro

      Once again multi-million dollar energy company on the NYSE, second my parents make 200K+ a year and over 3M in assets. The point is loser that I’m from Russia and still better than you’ll ever be.

      14 years ago at 9:01 am
  6. Hazin Dreyzen

    My dad grew up in communist Russia; because of this, he understands the economy and hates communism more than anyone. Fuck yourself.

    14 years ago at 3:33 pm
  7. semperty

    Whitaker Chambers (directly) and Marco Rubio (incidentally) are great examples of free market minds produced by oppressive communist regimes. Come on, think about it!

    14 years ago at 4:35 pm