My dad gave me another car today. His only rule was "keep it above 100."

    1. southerncostas

      I go 170 in the 04 Cobra at least once a week. Grow some fuckin.g balls and bury the needle your puss.y. Judging by the speedo it’s only a c5 vette, still quick but step it up.

      13 years ago at 6:12 pm
  1. France Sucks

    “Hey guys, let’s put my car up on blocks while I pin the gas. We’ll take a picture of the speedo and send it in.”

    So fucking frat, bro.

    13 years ago at 4:23 pm
    1. TheTG1856

      You must not know that you can change them over from English to Metric with a push of a button…That’s why there is a / instead of a P. Start joggin pal

      13 years ago at 8:06 pm
    2. FratMuscle

      All gauges top out then level down when you start the car. He did a good job snapping the pic at the 160 mark.

      13 years ago at 4:47 pm
  2. Erald Fratterson

    Taking a picture is the first thing I do when I go 160 too, wait a it isn’t.

    13 years ago at 5:07 pm