Christian Leader Who Says God Uses Natural Disasters To Smite Gays Has His Home Murked By A Natural Disaster
The Louisiana floods have caused havoc for hundreds of thousands of people, but one in particular stands out more than most. Tony Perkins, a Christian lobbyist, has seen his home wiped out by the flooding.
From Independent:
“This is a flood, I would have to say, of near biblical proportions,” he said.
The family had to set up home in a RV motor home.
Mr Perkins has a long and well-documented history of disparaging gay people.
Among Perkins’ (awful) opinions is that natural disasters are sent by God to punish gays. This clearly puts Perkins in an awkward situation, as he now has to figure out who the gay person in his household is. Is it his son? His wife? I mean, it’s obviously not him, right? It couldn’t be. This could get awkward.
I used to think that homosexuality was acceptable and up to each individual, but my opinion has completely changed in the wake of this flooding. The gays are clearly responsible for not only this, but also every other natural disaster. You could make the argument that Louisiana’s low sea level and location in a storm-prone area are why there is frequent flooding in the region, but Tony Perkins and his ravaged home would beg to differ.
If you want to join Perkins in praying the gay away, head right on over to whatever mobile home he’s in..
[via Independent]
Image via YouTube
That’s sucks….dick(;
8 years ago at 4:50 pmLeave
8 years ago at 6:01 pmcan’t fucking believe i laughed at this
8 years ago at 10:31 amAre the gays responsible for Wally?
8 years ago at 5:07 pmBecause even if God wanted to punish the gays, he would obviously affect the far more numerous straight people around them
8 years ago at 5:09 pmBrock Turner >>>>
8 years ago at 7:20 pmI sincerely hope you get AIDS. How have you not been blackballed?
8 years ago at 9:29 pmWe’re all being punished for letting fruits get married. Why would you let a Fig Newton marry another Fig Newton? They’re not even people!
8 years ago at 5:26 pmI remember reading somewhere that the one part of New Orleans that WASN’T destroyed by Hurricane Katrina was actually the gay neighborhood, which made all of the “this is god’s punishment for gays” talk kind of ironic.
8 years ago at 6:06 pmWhat the fuck kind of liberal bullshit has this site become? He obviously doesn’t represent real Christianity and it doesn’t help to have fucks like you using clickbaity titles to shit on Christians as a whole. Fuck this site.
8 years ago at 10:16 ameat a snickers dude
8 years ago at 10:30 amwhen I first read the title I thought it said Christian Laettner. That would have made this article a shit load more interesting
8 years ago at 1:26 pm