Providing a list to the pledges of acceptable things they can tell their parents. TFM.

  1. Tommy Gufano

    Only letting orphans pledge so there is never an issue with them talking to their parents. TFM

    12 years ago at 1:24 pm
  2. The_ChiIis_Guy

    “I’m gay.”

    Like this to keep Chili’s Guy on a roll for Exec 2013. We didn’t get Romney, but we can still get Chili’s.

    12 years ago at 3:12 pm
  3. better_than_you

    “Mom, start saving poop samples from all the animals on our farm because we’re mailing a different piece of doo doo to TFM headquarters every week for the next 10 years.”

    12 years ago at 5:14 pm