I take my Sperrys off in class if a GDI sits next to me. They move every time. I call it skunking. TFM.

  1. Cool Bro

    Gratuitous smug comment telling you why I’m fratter than you and that you’re an obvious GDI.

    14 years ago at 9:18 am
  2. frat and natty

    stinky ass feet and having sperrys so old they smell=NF buy some new ones GDI

    14 years ago at 9:32 am
    1. Worthy Grand Fratster

      if you really wore sperrys you would know they skunk after a very short period of time. GDI

      14 years ago at 9:50 am
    2. GQ McGee

      You would also realize that having new Sperrys make you look like some wannabe fratstar. My favorite pair have lasted me since my freshman year of high school–true proof I was fratting even before initiation.

      14 years ago at 10:34 am
    3. PC

      You need to wash your feet. Having feet that smell bad enough to force people to move seats is in no way frat. Even if it repels a GDI

      14 years ago at 10:56 am
    4. bropenhagen

      just pour hydrogen peroxide in them…my slampiece just informed me thats the best way to get rid of that smell

      14 years ago at 11:24 am
  3. Stonewall Fratson

    I always hate it when GDI’s do that with their damn DC skater shoes, now I have a defense thank you for this great idea!

    14 years ago at 10:15 am
  4. frat and natty

    worthy grand fratster sorry im not a broke gdi like you when my sperrys get even close to worn i buy a new pair

    14 years ago at 11:18 am