I play "Welcome to the Jungle" when my slampiece goes down. TFM.

  1. Douglas C. Neidermeyer

    Guns N Roses is an amazing band I dont care what anyone else says maybe the guys in the band are NF but the music is FAF

    14 years ago at 10:39 pm
    1. Mr. Fraturday Night Special

      Have you not caught on to the fact that half the shit on here is fake.

      14 years ago at 4:59 am
  2. ian's vineyard has vines. my penis has veins

    Having a jungle down there is NF. It sounds like you, my friend, have a case of the buffalo balls… Here are some tips:

    We’ll start with the easy part: soak your balls in a cup of cold water. Two separate cups may be used if your balls are large. This will make them nice and tight so you won’t miss any spots waxing. After waxing, you will want to massage your balls with a warming, hazel scented moisturizer. The hazel nut (no pun intended) will help prevent that natural scent of salt and vinegar chips from returning. Following completion, your balls will be reminiscent of your pre-pubescent days!

    If you are still having trouble, chops off your balls and attach packets of mayonnaise so your slampiece can quickly and easily apply your favorite spread to sandwiches after you get that BJ.

    14 years ago at 12:25 am
    1. fraternizing with the bronemy

      alright damnit if you either are so fucking retarded that you do not get the humor in of a TFM, or are too busy disecting the semantics of it too play the one-up role than go find a new site…this is the frattiest shit ive read on this site. if you dont get something just dont post on it, dont make yourself look like a moron

      14 years ago at 1:37 pm
    2. fraternizing with the bronemy

      ok, have too apologize, only read the first part of that, it was pretty amusing…but my point still stands true and is a huge issue on this site

      14 years ago at 1:38 pm
    3. ian's vineyard has vines. my penis has veins

      You’re right. I’m the one who looks like a moron.

      14 years ago at 3:36 am