either that or “not having your own computer = NF”; “using the computers at the library = NF”; something about how Macbooks are GDI; or a jab about South Carolina in in general being NF.
or a comment about how the ellipsis you used only has two (..) periods instead of three (…). Gotta love the wit and creativity of some of our cohorts on this site.
you’re cool
14 years ago at 9:58 amKeep us posted.
What is she doing now?
14 years ago at 10:00 am“…looking at me out of the corner of her eye, sure sign she wants more…”
14 years ago at 10:39 am“So I gave it to her. In the lab.”
14 years ago at 12:03 pm“…shes on Excel, I’m on Word, we’re really hitting it off…sparks are flying…”
14 years ago at 12:19 pm“She actually talked to me, man!”
14 years ago at 12:45 pmNot having a lab of 55 FratBook Pros in the fratcastle. NF.
14 years ago at 10:09 ameither that or “not having your own computer = NF”; “using the computers at the library = NF”; something about how Macbooks are GDI; or a jab about South Carolina in in general being NF.
or a comment about how the ellipsis you used only has two (..) periods instead of three (…). Gotta love the wit and creativity of some of our cohorts on this site.
14 years ago at 10:14 amNot capitalizing your first sentence. NF.
14 years ago at 10:27 amwell played frat ryan……
14 years ago at 11:51 amStill a well-placed comment by fratty decisis.
14 years ago at 4:42 pmKnowing how to use an ellipsis. FaF
Fratters Gonna Frat,
decisis is on the same page as I am. I was simply continuing the hyperbole.
14 years ago at 8:21 pmSame here! Offered her a line off the space bar, then she offered me one off her boobs. Then we fucked, in the computer lab. It was so Frat.
14 years ago at 11:07 amidk if I like your name or your sarcasm better but both are FaF
14 years ago at 1:45 pmHanging out alone in the computer lab. TGM
14 years ago at 12:26 pmTaking the time to count how many open computers there are. NF.
14 years ago at 12:46 pmPublic computers. ew. NF
14 years ago at 1:30 pmyup. called that one.
14 years ago at 1:51 pmSecond. Fratbook Bro > Geed public computers.
14 years ago at 4:40 pmhaha gota say that im guilty of this. i always look for the frattiest guy and sit by him.
14 years ago at 1:40 pmSecond. Love in IIKE!
14 years ago at 4:06 pmBeing surprised that a girl is actually sitting next to you. NF
14 years ago at 1:54 pmWhere does it say he is surprised?
14 years ago at 2:07 pmIf he didn’t care why would he post it.
14 years ago at 3:38 pm