Our frathouse is nicknamed "The Ski Lodge." TFM.

    1. SeaHuntHobie

      The house was called the “SKI Lodge” before SAEs even lived there. The name came from a “ski lodge” sign some guys stole and put on the roof for like 5 years. SAEs rented the house and left the sign up for a couple years before Alumni bought the house and someone stole the sign……. I’m sure the brothers there now “party” but thats not how the house got its name. I was there when SAE moved in…….. phi alpha.

      12 years ago at 2:52 pm
    1. SAE Sucks

      My mansion in colorado is nicknamed The Ski Lodge…Clemson=NF, SAE at Clemson=NF

      14 years ago at 7:32 am
  1. Reagan

    Wait. Is that like, a play on words about coke? Like, cocaine? The drug? No way. Damn yall are cool as fuck.

    14 years ago at 6:46 am
  2. Force to be Fratted with

    I’m not sayin don’t do blow, I’m sayin don’t have a reputation for doing blow.

    14 years ago at 7:33 am
  3. Fratnectar

    Clemson has lodges not houses and it’s not cool to say you blow down. E-dog..

    14 years ago at 7:52 am