This is how we do it in South Carolina. TFM.

    1. carolinahaze

      No, if it was an SAE house they’d be pledges, not hookers. And they’d be raped, not dead.

      13 years ago at 3:18 pm
    2. CaseyDidIt

      What’s the difference between dead hookers and condoms? I don’t keep condoms in my house.

      13 years ago at 1:29 am
    1. InFratdel

      Kinda outnumbered here cupcake… It’s a given fact that the great state of SC is trumped only by Texas in the number of right-wing, egotistical, self-indulgant pricks (such as yours truly) that have been raised inside our NAACP boycotted-borders.

      Plus the coastal areas from Hilton Head up to Pawley’s island are either some of the most beautiful or best for hunting/fishing in the country.

      13 years ago at 12:34 am
    2. Frat up or shut up

      I’m pretty sure right-wingers are outnumbered as a whole anyway. And if you think I give a god damn about being outnumbered, you are mistaken. South Carolina can kiss my Republican ass as they have nothing to offer our economy except for Myrtle Beach, which is a half ass Cocoa Beach at least. Grow an industry that actually contributes to America. And in my parting argument: Fuck you.

      13 years ago at 12:42 am
    3. Kiawah Island

      I got two things for you, dick head: BMW, Boeing. Both have huge plants in SC. In terms of containers unloaded per hour, Charleston is the most efficient in the country, and the best city on the east coast. Fuck you.

      13 years ago at 5:57 am
    4. CCUFratDaddy

      it doesnt have anything to offer the economy? how about along with boeing, BMW and the huge port, we also have the biggest GE factory in the world.

      13 years ago at 8:21 am
    5. OX1856

      South Carolina is the top state in producing arms for our military. It is also home to Parris island and fort Jackson. The Charleston harbor is one of the most vital ports in the United States in terms of import/export. Fox news rated Hilton Head Island to have the nicest beaches in America and was also named the 8th drunkest city in the U.S. SC is also home to 3 top 100 golf courses and boast one of the strongest tourist industries in the world. You can kiss South Carolina’s republican ass.

      13 years ago at 8:30 am
    6. OX1856

      oh and Charleston was named the best city in America this year beating out New York City

      13 years ago at 8:31 am
    7. TheFratFace1868


      Keep your largest GE plant in the country and all the whitetrash assembly line workers. I’ll continue to golf with the executives up in Fairfield who also drive the BMWs you’re so kind to put together for us. I think one week a year in SC is enough for anyone, get some good golf in and stock up on fireworks for the summer.

      13 years ago at 9:23 am
    8. BestSince1776

      South Carolina was the first state to secede. So you can shut up and frat up, bitch.

      13 years ago at 9:41 am
    9. Fratlas Shrugged

      ^ South Carolina is a gorgeous state with a productive economy and unmatched hospitality. The fact that you disparage the state, and your vague reference to “golf with CEO’s” is both comical and a confirmation of what most of us know: We don’t want you below the Mason-Dixon line. Even if you have money, which is doubtful, you clearly don’t have a sense of tradition or class. Plus, you’re a fucking pike.

      13 years ago at 9:48 am
    10. Kiawah Island

      Come to Kiawah (Or Seabrook, Sullivan’s, Isle of Palms, Pawleys, or Hilton Head) then tell me SC is a hole, you Yankee fucker. But It’d probably be better if you keep that shit northern attitude of yours above the M&D.

      13 years ago at 11:43 am
    11. Frat up or shut up

      BMW is German you idiots, so all the profits made there are exported from your glorious port. Every state with a coast line has a port, so no one gives a shit about that. As far as beaches? Go to Florida where you aren’t restricted to 3 months out of the year to go to them. So have fun with all your blue collar shit, And drunkest city? Because that is something to brag about.

      13 years ago at 12:41 pm
    12. TheFratFace1868

      ^^^ Fratlass Shrugged

      Or I was making fun of everyone for trying to defend their state by naming companies that are located there or random rankings from an obscure column. Perhaps if you attended a better school you could learn to read, thus enabling you to properly quote someone. At no point did I mention Jeffrey Immelt, simply executives which are plentiful in this region, and yes I do play golf with them since I have a family member in the company.

      As for being classless, are you not the one who made an instant assumption on my character based on the fraternity I belong to? You have no idea what school I call home or what my particular chapter is like. I will even go as far as to say you have no personal qualm against the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, you simply jump on a bandwagon that others have started to make yourself feel important or funny. You will find in life that generalizing people will do nothing positive for anyone. That greater at Wal-Mart is just as likely to be poor as he is a millionaire who is simply bored after retirement and likes to talk to people.

      One last thing I would like to clear up, why exactly is it doubtful that I have enjoy a wealthy lifestyle? Is it because you know me personally, or have friends in common, or maybe you have even read articles on me. That is the wonderful thing about the internet, no one knows who you are thus making outrageous and generally false assumptions moronic. But I am glad to know when I travel down to South Carolina I can be assured to receive some of the “southern hospitality” you all brag about from yourself. Since you are so quick to belittle and slander individuals with whom you have never met.

      13 years ago at 3:20 pm
    13. TheFratFace1868

      And yes before you think you have me stumped by pointing out a spelling error, I am aware that I misspelled greeter in the middle of my rant.

      13 years ago at 3:23 pm
    14. Fratlanta Falcons

      I don’t understand why everyone is praising Myrtle Beach here. Of all the cities in the state, it is honestly the most embarrassing.

      13 years ago at 4:41 pm
    15. RagingFratineer

      Just so you all know, for everyone down grading SC about how we dont contribute. We are getting a massive Amazon distribution center which is supposed to really help out our economy.

      If Mytle Beach is such a shit hole, why are we getting tourists from all over the world?

      Its also one of the top ranked beaches in the nation.

      Fuck off to those of you claiming its shit when you probably cant even afford to travel there.

      13 years ago at 12:47 pm
  1. smart as fuck

    I didn’t realize being a cajun was frat.
    you been playin foozeball behind my back bobby?

    13 years ago at 6:41 pm