College Dating Survival Guide

You aren’t even sure how it happened. The two of you shared a few sloppy drunken hookups and texted occasionally, but suddenly you find out you’re in the collegiate purgatory known as the “we’re talking” phase. I’m not even entirely sure what it means, all I know is it puts you at a crossroads. There are nearly limitless factors to consider when you find yourself in the clutches of this title, and your future is entirely dependent on your next moves. Fear not, I’m here to help.

The first thing to consider is if this girl is actually girlfriend material: aka is she an 8 or better, and can you talk to her when you’re sober without wanting to kill yourself. The first issue is always pivotal. I’ve never understood why any guy in college would date a girl of average attractiveness. Where I’m from we call that “settling” and you can definitely do better. Sure, personality extremely important and should be a serious factor for your consideration…if you’re trying to get married. But I shouldn’t have to remind you that we’re in college, and that shit shouldn’t be anywhere near our sex-and-booze-driven minds. Right now your focus should be having as much fun as possible, and if you meet a great girl along the way that’s just an added bonus. However, it is crucial that you’re at least able to deal with her sober. The fact is, you’re going to be spending a lot of time with this girl, and a very small chunk of it will be alcoholically supplemented. If she can’t hold a conversation, is dreadfully boring, or has trouble forming rational thoughts then I can guarantee it’s not worth your time.

So let’s just say you found someone you can bear to be around while still clothed that doesn’t look like the horse-demon Sarah Jessica Parker. Congratulations. The natural next step is to crank up the chivalry. It’s not dead, I promise. Of course, as a gentleman you should be holding open doors for women all the time, but this holds especially true for potential girlfriend status slams. My advice is to think of it this way: every time you pay for a meal or get her a gift, you earn half a blowjob. If that doesn’t provide a little extra motivation, I don’t know what will (you might be gay).

I’ve found through my experiences that nothing is ever a reality until it’s posted on Facebook. All those nights I was blackout and allegedly punched a hole in the wall? Pics or it didn’t happen. The same holds true with the ladies, and I assure you that you aren’t truly dating until a picture of the two of you pops up on every single person’s news feed, adorned with a little heart. The jump from “talking” to “FBO” is the most monumental of steps, and while I think it’s fucking creepy that we (they) feel the need to announce a relationship to thousands of people we barely talk to, the simple fact is that’s what our culture has become. Facebook official has become the ultimate sign of a relationship, and if you aren’t willing to suck it up and change that status, maybe this girl isn’t so special after all (in which case, drop her and continue your sexual deviance elsewhere). And for any of you out there who “don’t want the whole world to know my business” or whatever bullshit excuse you have for not posting it: lighten up. If you’re going to date someone, you shouldn’t be embarrassed over a simple link to her page. If you are, she’s probably busted and you fucked up by dating her in the first place.

There’s only one final thing to note: don’t be a pussy and cheat. If you feel like you can’t control yourself and need to penetrate every moist hole you come across, I don’t think you’re quite ready for an exclusive slampiece. If she passed all the previous criteria, chances are she’s a pretty nice girl, and let’s get real…she doesn’t deserve that. I get it. It’s cool to be a legendary bitch-slaying badass, and I fully encourage those actions. Believe me. All I’m saying is if you want to be that guy, don’t make the mistake of dating. Unless you have an extremely bizarre guilt fetish, you’ll be glad you stayed single.

  1. BroReillyFactor

    The last paragraph. Don’t cheat. Have the decency to break up with her or not start the relationship in the first place. If she cheats on you….put that bitch on blast and walk away knowing your the better human being. Also, let everyone one else know your the better human being.

    13 years ago at 7:15 am
    1. SterlingArcher

      My the better human being? I don’t have one of those, I don’t know it, and I’m not sure how to let others know it, either.

      13 years ago at 8:08 am
  2. YesWeCan_DoBetter

    Nobody is worried about becoming FBO, they’re worried about when that relationship ends on everyone from your best friend’s to your 1st grade crush’s newsfeed… and your girl’s ex likes it

    13 years ago at 8:03 am
  3. Sherwood Blount

    I remember when I identified with this site. Now there’s some dickhead telling me I’m not supposed to fuck a random if I have a girlfriend and what Facebook protocol is.

    13 years ago at 10:08 am
    1. Frat Fraterton

      Cheating is TFTC. Its also a TFM when the girl finds out and your fucking her an hour later.

      13 years ago at 9:09 am
  4. 1852_BetterThanYou

    Not cheating on your girlfriend AND being a gentleman. TFM.
    Phenomenal column!

    13 years ago at 2:29 pm
    1. sratty_sigma

      Couldn’t agree more. It’s nice to know there are some true gentlemen out there!

      13 years ago at 1:05 am
  5. Fraternity Man

    As a senior who recently finally entered the brave new world of FBO, I gotta say I love this column. Well done.

    13 years ago at 1:26 pm