cry in cornell

Cornell Students Hold A “Cry In” Gathering To Mourn Trump’s Victory

cry in cornell

“Sorry, guys. Your candidate lost, and that sucks.”

Regardless of whether Hillary or Donald won last night, I’d be muttering that same phrase to friends and family who supported the losing party. But there’s no crying over it — unless you’re liberal Cornell students who decided to hold a “cry in” after Trump’s victory. Yep, because the Snowflake Party apparently wasn’t snowflakey enough.

From The Cornell Daily Sun:

Over 50 Cornellians gathered on Ho Plaza this afternoon for a cry in to “mourn” in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s shocking presidential victory.

Braving the cold, wind and occasional rain, Cornellians sat in a circle to share stories and console each other, organizers encouraging attendees to gather closer together and “include each other.”

Willard Straight Hall Resource Center employees gave out blankets, tissues and hot chocolate to keep participants warm, while students signed posters with words of encouragement and protest, including “Donald Trump is not my president.”

Zoe Maisel ’18, co-president of Planned Parenthood Generation Action at Cornell, said she and co-president Cassidy Clark ’17 began organizing the cry-in last night for “those of us who have been fighting.”

“We need to just take a break and just cry before … tomorrow we get back up and keep fighting, because people feel really, really powerless,” she said.

Well, if we’re all going to take a moment to collect ourselves then let me take one real quick too.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh god. Oh god. My sides. Oh god. The irony. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It hurts. Ow ow ow. HAHAHAHA.

Alright, we good.

If you watch The Cornell Daily Sun’s video, the criers that gathered are pretty much what you’d expect, except there is truly an underwhelming amount of tears happening. I went into it hoping for red faces, snot bubbles, loud screaming to the skies asking “Why, Harambe? WHYYYY?!?!” A letdown definitely, but let’s not lose focus. These students realize shit like this is why he won the election, right? He was strong and stuck with his convictions regardless of how controversial it was. These snowflakes would’ve started protesting two words into this article when I called everyone reading “guys.” Sorry, boners.

I love the “he’s not my president” thing too. Trump is, in fact, your president. Sorry again, boners.

As a general rule, you shouldn’t do anything in politics that you can’t do in baseball.

There’s no crying in politics. Don’t worry, Dems. 2020’s Kanye/Tebow ticket is looking pretty strong. Keep fighting that fight.

[via The Cornell Daily Sun]

Image via The Cornell Daily Sun

  1. SrattinTheIvies

    Not sure what’s worse: these sjw snowflakes or all of you clowns trying too hard to be edgy

    7 years ago at 4:21 am
    1. Bbn_Cats

      Sure there is. There’s a huge difference between a democrat and a liberal.

      7 years ago at 6:59 am
  2. mrcombs777

    I can’t tell if that’s a tranny or the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen.

    7 years ago at 9:39 am
  3. Coolnamewastaken

    There should be a group of us standing there laughing at them. SJWs want to believe they’re cool and trendy, laughing at how pathetic they are will be infuriating.

    7 years ago at 10:23 am
    1. tuckfrump112

      I sense anger in you.. why so much hate? Jealousy is it?

      Beware the dark side of he force

      7 years ago at 2:00 am