Couple Arrested For Having Sex On Chipotle’s Roof
The great thing about Chipotle is that you can really have it any way you like. Not to mention, the choices are pretty damn good, too. Turns out that one Delaware couple decided they wanted to step up their order a notch. She wanted her burrito stuffed, and he was more than happy to fulfill her request–on top of the store.
From CBS:
A couple was arrested after police say they had sex on the roof of a restaurant in Delaware. The bizarre incident happened at about 9:40 p.m. Saturday at the Chipotle restaurant on East Main Street in Newark. The restaurant closes at 10 p.m. and was still open for business.
I can only hope he asked her if she wanted to go to Chipotle for a burrito and maybe some sex. To me, that’s the ultimate date: devouring a two pound burrito and then working it off with a quick slam sesh.
When an officer arrived, he was on the opposite side of the street and clearly observed the couple engaging in sexual intercourse on the roof at the very front of the Chipotle building. The officer told the couple to stop, but police say they continued for approximately 15-20 seconds before stopping.
I love the fact that he had to finish before obliging with the cop’s request to stop. That’s a TFM. This guy wasn’t going to go to jail while suffering from blue balls. Rumor has it that DeVry Guy called the cops on these two because he was fearful his burrito was going to get AIDS.
[via CBS]
Image via Newark, Del. PD
Shouldn’t he be on top of Panda Express?
11 years ago at 6:30 pmShe’s a 4 bucks and a steak burrito kind of woman
11 years ago at 6:52 pmShe must not have had enough rice in her burrito.
11 years ago at 6:54 pmNothing like a quesarito to get the juices flowing
11 years ago at 7:34 pm*hears loud “yaaaass” in the background*
11 years ago at 7:46 pmIsn’t that the leave Britney alone girl?
11 years ago at 7:56 pmThe guy owns the sushi place next to this and lives in the apartment above it. He literally walked out of his bedroom window. That’s some kinky shit.
11 years ago at 8:36 pmWow, they are too bold.~

11 years ago at 9:43 pmStill would bang
11 years ago at 10:09 pmWhy is John Travolta wearing a wig
11 years ago at 10:50 pm