Couple Tries To Sell Their Baby, Fucking Amateurs Only Ask For A Grand


People get fed up with their kids all the time, but this is the first I’ve heard of anyone trying to sell one of them off. A West Virginia couple reportedly attempted to sell their 3-month-old baby to another couple, and ended up leaving it at the other couple’s home.

From The Washington Post:

Law enforcement officers frequently deal with some pretty strange situations,” Sheriff Steve Kessler said in the release. “A situation like this is really out of the ordinary though.”

No one actually agreed to buy the baby, according to the release. But the couple left it there anyway. “Witnesses were able to identify the male who had tried to sell the child but did not know the female accompanying him,” the release says.

Both the mother and father were jailed on felony charges of selling or attempting to sell a child. I did not know that such charges existed, but I guess the legal system has to be prepared for everything.

The real problem I have with this is the asking price. $500-$1000 dollars? That’s chump change. After conducting a few Google searches, I’ve found that it can cost in excess of $35 grand to adopt a white male infant. With that kind of market, I don’t see how you can sell yourself so short here. If this couple can’t understand basic supply and demand, then consider me glad that they aren’t raising a child anymore.

[via The Washington Post]

Image via Shutterstock

  1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

    Dorn would give his left nut for a fresh from the womb personal fleshlight.

    8 years ago at 2:38 pm
    1. ScarlettThomas

      Start working from home! Great job for students, stay-at-home moms or anyone needing an extra income… You only need a computer and a reliable internet connection… Make 98 dollar hourly and up to 14000bucks a month by following link at the bottom and signing up… You can have your first check by the end of this week…

      8 years ago at 2:43 pm
      1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

        Scarlett, I will hunt you down just so I can perform an amateur tracheotomy on you so I can can fuck your windpipe and fill your lungs with man gravy till you suffocate

        8 years ago at 2:48 pm
      2. Fraddington_bear

        Yeah the only way you’re mdking that much from home is if your shoving household items in your cooter every night on a cam show for a bunch of horny old men.

        8 years ago at 2:50 pm