Someone’s Murking Coyotes And Leaving The Carcasses All Over University Of Idaho Greek Row
For the second time this year, fraternity and sorority members at the University of Idaho woke up to the strange sight of multiple coyote carcasses laying on the doorsteps of their Greek homes. A man was originally caught placing the dead animal on Delta Zeta’s stoop back in late January, and this past Friday more coyote bodies appeared on the porches of the Pi Kapp, Alpha Phi, and Pi Phi houses.
From KTVB:
On Jan. 20, a man left a dead animal on the porch of a sorority and was caught on camera. He admitted to police he had done it on a dare.
In that case, the suspect did not face charges because the sorority did not want to press them, said Capt. Tyson Berrett of Moscow PD. In that case, the sorority just wanted the suspect to clean up the mess.
In last week’s incident, police said they do not have any suspects, though the man from the first incident is being questioned. Berrett said the second incident did not appear to have the same M.O.
In the second incident, it appeared someone threw the carcasses from a car from the alleyway behind the houses, Berrett said. In the first incident, the suspect had taken the time to “place it nicely” at the door.
I have a few theories that could all honestly be the answer to this great coyote murder mystery. First off, let’s just clear homeboy from the DZ incident of the new coyote killings. Serial coyote killers are very methodical. They typically stick to a rigid routine and hate diverting from their disgusting fantasies. He wouldn’t carefully position one dead coyote out front of DZ and then throw the next few out from a car window. That’s just not how serial coyote killers operate. He’d get no joy out of that.
What we have here is one of three things: a copycat killer, a satanic cult, or an early push to lockdown homecoming partners for the 2017 fall.
Sure, a Copycat killer seems the most plausible of the three, but this is Idaho we’re talking about. Go to any farm in that state after dark and I can almost guarantee you’d see a group of people dressed in rubber waders and bear skin covered in blood sacrificing small animals and children to false idols carved from potatoes asking for a good summer harvest. Perhaps leaving dead coyotes all over Greek row is part of the ritual or just some sick message they’re trying to send. I really can’t be certain, but these poor little coyots are getting smoked left and right and that seems kind of fucked up.
Of course, this could just be fraternities getting a jump on the competition and trying to woo sororities or Pi Kapp (It’s 2017 after all) for homecoming. I don’t think I’ve so much as flown over Idaho or met a single person from the “Gem State,” but I just get the vibe that women from that part of the country really appreciate guys that can hunt and provide. It’s like they say, if you can make an Idaho girl gasp by leaving a dead coyote on her doorstep you can make her do anything..
[via KTVB]
Image via Youtube
Being a complete psychopath TFM
8 years ago at 2:56 pmI go to UI, so a buddy post this article our page and new it was gonna do UI proud.
First, the mysterious man was actually a guy from Alpha Gamma Rho, which as you can imagine are pretty god damn hick. They also did this to Kappa Alpha Theta last week.
8 years ago at 3:14 pmI also go to UI and I heard a rumor your penis is lacking in the size department. So, would you like me to believe every rumor I hear?
8 years ago at 11:23 pmI’ll tell you who left those carcasses. That damn Sasquatch!
8 years ago at 3:42 pmImagine some fraternity member going up to the dorms and doing this. Instant arrest and suspension of the fraternity, no hearing, no nothing. The double standards are bullshit
8 years ago at 4:09 pmMurk. NF.
8 years ago at 4:11 pm“A Man left them on the porch”? Did they just assume that person’s gender? i’m so fucking triggered.
8 years ago at 4:51 pmKYS
8 years ago at 5:07 pmthat there’s a joke, son.
8 years ago at 5:41 pmI’m well aware. You were trying way to hard to make it happen.
8 years ago at 8:31 amas Annie replied I didn’t even know that any one able to earn $8091 in four weeks on the
8 years ago at 11:30 pmcomputer . why not check here………….
Gently placing things NF
8 years ago at 12:23 amThe coyotes were obviously attracted to the menstruation, but some vigilante saved the day at the last minute.
8 years ago at 2:49 pmPaw and Order: SCK (Special Coyote Killer)
Criminal Canine Minds
Blue Bloodhounds
White Paws
8 years ago at 8:48 am