Dan Bilzerian’s Latest Party Included Schoolgirl Costumes And A Giraffe Because Why Not?

Dan Bilzerian's Latest Party Included A Babes In Tiny Skirts And A Giraffe Because Why Not?

It pays to be crazy rich. It’s my turn in the rotation to tackle the latest shit-show party held by the man with the beard, the babes, and the booze. This one didn’t disappoint either. Bilzerian takes a simple idea for a party, throws money at it, and turns it into gold. Literally. He had gold-painted dancers at this thing.

Vin Diesel, Ludacris, Chris Brown, Adrien Grenier, and a few other celebs were there. But most importantly, Dan got a fucking giraffe. Would have been a lot cooler if it was a cheetah. Maybe next party.

Id like to dedicate this video to the 10 people who won the contest, and to my cunt neighbor who keeps unsuccessfully calling the cops, Id like to cordially invite you to lick my giraffes asshole Vidcred Liverichmedia

Posted by Dan Bilzerian on Monday, 20 April 2015

Sucks to be that neighbor. He gets to watch all these babes in skimpy clothing walk into Dan’s only to not be invited so he calls the cops. Sorry, man, but you’re not going to win that battle against Dan and his money. Try getting a real estate agent.

    1. FrattyCoug

      Might get lapped but I feel like a lot of the people on this website keep up with what Dan Bilzerian is doing and then complain about how TFM is “on his dick”. I’m sure if we checked everyone’s Instagram or Twitter followers, a majority are following Bilzerian.

      10 years ago at 6:20 pm
      1. FratLegend

        Yeah let the man who would not gleefully accept an invitation to one of his “booze, babes, and blow” parties cast the first lap.

        10 years ago at 10:41 pm
  1. american_fratter

    Why isn’t bolen covering this story? I guess it would be hard servicing harden and Dan at the same time

    10 years ago at 5:34 pm
  2. Old Hickory

    I do not now, nor will I ever care what Dan Bilzerian is doing with his life.

    10 years ago at 5:38 pm
      1. Fat Frat

        Mobile making the comments and article separate, plus the general shit quality of much of TFM’s “content” makes going straight for the comments pretty tempting. Bring back the forums.

        10 years ago at 12:29 am
    1. FratPoppa

      What is worse – idolizing DB like a high school try-hard or commenting on a story about him anonymously to show how above the fray you are to a bunch of anonymous folks you don’t know from Adam? I guess the former, but ur both still on my shit list.

      10 years ago at 10:29 am
  3. FratLegend

    Dunno why some some guys hate on him so much, nothing more FaF than partying (to the point of heart attacks) with scantily clad beautiful women with dads ill-gotten millions.

    10 years ago at 5:41 pm
    1. Perfect_Cell

      could you politely take a step back… and literally fuck your own face? K thaks bye

      10 years ago at 5:44 pm
  4. Perfect_Cell

    who gives a rats ass about this poser anymore, give it a damn rest. He threw his final “Hail Mary” by doing the SnapChat thing with that one THOT (lindsay pelas?) and, still, NOBODY GAVE A FUCK! I swear only you guys, BroBible, and freshmen try-hards idolize this DiCaprio wannabe

    10 years ago at 5:43 pm