Diary Of A Father Whose Daughter Is Away At Freshman Orientation
Monday, August 25
Dear Diary,
Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday I was walking my baby girl to Kindergarten class, with pigtails on her head and a lunchbox as big as she was in her hand, and now she’s about to start college. COLLEGE! She grew up way too fast. But what a young lady she has turned out to be. I couldn’t be more proud of my Lisa. She’s beautiful, smart, and has a great head on her shoulders.
With the beginning of this new chapter in her life comes so much more responsibility, a ton of mental development, and yes, a whole lot of fun. I just pray my baby girl uses her head these next four years and stays away from people and situations that could potentially lead her down the wrong path. I’m going to worry about her, but I’m a dad. That’s what dads do.
Today she leaves for overnight freshman orientation. I’m half excited for her, and half worried about the devilish temptations that await in her new surroundings. She has an account on the social media website Twitter.com. I saw it one day after she forgot to log out, so I wrote down her Twitter name. Now I get to follow her through her journey these next couple days!
I’m worried about the fraternity guys. I was in a frat once, so I know how they can be. Like vultures scouting out their prey, they sit and wait.
Tuesday, August 26
Dear Diary,
It’s the morning after Lisa’s first night away at orientation. She wasn’t active on Twitter.com so I’m guessing (and hoping!) that means she had a low key night in her dorm room with some friends. I did notice something concerning, however. An upperclassman was engaging her on Twitter.com. He looks like someone that isn’t to be trusted around your 18-year-old daughter.
This Dan character needs to stay away from my Lisa.
Tuesday, August 26
Dear Diary,
This is my second entry today. Lisa seems to have woken up and I’m not a happy camper right about now. I haven’t spoken to her yet, but evidence would suggest she consumed alcohol last night.
She’s too young to be drinking, obviously. She’s 18, and while yes, alcohol is readily available at all times in college, she’s still too young to be responsible with alcohol. Plus, she’s such a bright girl and knows it’s not a good idea to be drinking. AND she needs to be focusing on what she’s there to do: learn about the school and register for her courses. I’m a little peeved right now, but everyone is entitled to a mistake, even my Lisa.
There’s that Frockington kid again. Serving to minors is ILLEGAL!
Tuesday, August 26
Dear Diary,
This is my THIRD motherfucking entry today, and it’s because of this little Frockington fuck.
Don’t go, Lisa. Please.
No. Damn it.
Singling her friends out? What a jerk.
That’s my girl. Stick up for Rebecca. She’s sweet. Her father is a golfing buddy of mine, too! Terrible short game hahaha.
What the hell, Lisa?
I’m truly disgusted, both by Dan Fuckington and Lisa’s lack of respect for herself and her friends. Maybe she’s just not ready for this step in her life. I’ll talk to her mother about all this, but it’s not too late to have Lisa live at home with us. We’re only 30 or so minutes away so she could commute to class. I’d like to see her go to frat parties when she has a 10 o’clock curfew!
Then again, these are her first few nights away from home, so maybe she just needs to get this out of her system. She’s such a responsible young lady. And I know she would never go for an asshole like this Frockington kid. She has much higher standards. I bet she never even talked to him at this party. I also bet that since she felt bad from drinking last night that she didn’t even drink at the frat house and went straight home after the party ended.
I’m so proud of her. I love her so much.
Wednesday, August 27
Dear Diary,
Don’t be Lisa. Don’t be Lisa. Don’t be Lisa.
Dan Frockington is a fucking dead man.
11 years ago at 5:05 pmPeople like you should chug bleach
11 years ago at 6:07 pmFuck yeah!
11 years ago at 6:41 pm** don’t, you’ve, piece. take a fuckin’ lap.
11 years ago at 7:37 pmThat’s pretty neat.
11 years ago at 7:03 pm^this
11 years ago at 8:45 pmHey look your last now!
11 years ago at 7:28 pmHaha check out the grammar nazi over here
11 years ago at 8:26 pmThis Frockington fellow gets it.
11 years ago at 5:12 pmHashtagging your own last name #TFM
11 years ago at 5:12 pmDan Frockington has chlamydia.
11 years ago at 11:43 pmI don’t, go take a lap champ
11 years ago at 11:16 pmThe Frockington strike again!
11 years ago at 5:13 pmstrikes*
11 years ago at 5:29 pmFrockington publicly referring to her as babe, even though he has no intentions of ever talking to her again. TFM
11 years ago at 5:16 pmBelle looks like the kinda girl you make a slam…
11 years ago at 12:50 amI hope this is Dorn’s daughter.
11 years ago at 5:16 pmDon’t you put that evil on me.
11 years ago at 5:34 pmIt’s destiny, don’t fight it.
11 years ago at 6:06 pmDorn, you’ll be the understanding father who will be sympathetic to your daughter’s needs, and as a result, help her learn from her mistakes through such experiences.
11 years ago at 6:16 pmor not
11 years ago at 7:29 pmor you know….just dont have a daughter, thats my plan.
11 years ago at 9:34 pmthat’s my plan.
11 years ago at 11:34 amLike mother, like daughter
11 years ago at 6:30 pm*granddaughter
11 years ago at 12:20 amYou are not paralyzed.
11 years ago at 2:34 amAs a 20 year old girl, I think that while she might make some mistakes, you have to let her do so and learn from them. Pulling her out of school won’t do you any good. It’ll make it worse, actually. What she needs is the Atticus Finch method from To Kill a Mockingbird.
11 years ago at 5:16 pm
11 years ago at 5:19 pmyou’re the rebecca of your friend group.
11 years ago at 7:34 pmDan Frockington, TFTC
11 years ago at 5:16 pmI will say though, this Frockington guy is a total dick. And frat boys, please don’t be like this.
11 years ago at 5:18 pm
11 years ago at 5:30 pmjust go ahead and fuck yourself with a chainsaw geed
11 years ago at 7:33 pmThose USA socks work every time
11 years ago at 5:18 pm