Science Says Your Frat Hound Can Understand Words The Same Way Humans Can

Frat hound

New scientific research says your frat hound doesn’t just recognize simple commands like “go get me a beer,” but might actually fundamentally understand the “beer” and what it means.

From the Washington Post:

It had already been established that dogs respond to human voices better than their wolf brethren, are able to match hundreds of objects to words and learn elements of grammar, and can be directed by human speech.

But the new findings mean dogs are more like humans than was previously known: They process language using the same regions of the brain as people, according to the researchers, whose paper was published in Science.

The study determined that dogs are able to associate words with not only meaning, but memories and visualization the same way that humans do.

They also understand words individually regardless of tone, reacting positively or negatively with tone and inflection. For example, your frat hound knows the difference between when you say “bite that bitch” pointing jokingly at one of your brothers and when you say the same thing regarding some dude who is trying to steal something from your house. This distinction is important, because it’s often the difference between a gentle bark and a rousing nut biting.

The scientists say this sort of association and understanding are good indicators of the biological standard for consciousness. Solid evidence that your little buddy really does have a life of his own, with emotions, memories, and even a frame of self.

Your frat hound isn’t just a pet. He’s one of the guys. But you already knew that. He’s on all of your composites already.

[via Washington Post]

  1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

    Do you guys get off in repeating news stories that occurred three days ago, or are you all just a bunch of limp dick retards that are just late to every fucking thing.

    8 years ago at 3:44 pm
    1. Siblings of Mark Wahlberg

      I’ve been flaccid since the Obama inauguration, Frabst. So I guess I fit part two of your inquiry.

      8 years ago at 3:49 pm
      1. TheOldMan

        What’re you bitching about? I haven’t had a boner since Margaret Truman played Carnegie Hall…

        8 years ago at 11:04 am
    2. Kramer Smash

      No, I get off in mediocre older women who promise to make me breakfast the next day.

      8 years ago at 4:00 pm
  2. Fratstarbator

    so youre telling me: my dog mentally associates an action to a random word, like his name for example he will associate that I am getting his attention. really mind blowung stuff.

    8 years ago at 4:01 pm
  3. Henry_Eighth

    The dog in the picture heard the words “The beer in the cooler is shit” so often that he came to associate the words Shit and Cooler and decided he should shit in the cooler.

    8 years ago at 5:45 am