This morning I woke up with dip all over my pillow which lead me to believe I passed out with a lip in again. TFM.

  1. Corporate

    You gdi ive been dipping since I was in seventh grade. I never do it in front of the slam peices and I would sure never post some geed shit on tfm like this.take that can and stick it up your ass

    14 years ago at 4:35 am
    1. Tony Fucking Soprano Up There

      Guys it’s cool, don’t hate on “Corporate”, he’s a bookie at his college but he’s also a real estate broker on the side, his other posts say so. But like I said man, don’t mess with those bookie types, he’ll have his goonies come kick your ass.

      14 years ago at 7:56 am
  2. SoClassy

    Wow. You’re disgusting. I’m guessing you’re not planning to marry a lady, then? Because nobody I know would be willing to deal with a nasty slob like you.

    14 years ago at 1:30 am