When people hear where I'm from they assume I'm sheltered, but then they see me rage. TFM.

    1. phigamsecrets

      The west side is not that sheltered, the north is. Also, fuck Illinois and fuck you for producing Obama.

      13 years ago at 11:41 am
    2. Fratservative

      Hey, let’s not get personal here, I live in Illinois but not by choice… But I intern for a Republican Congressman and most of my area is very Conservative. We did not produce Obama, he was obviously born in Kenya. Plus it’s just the welfare junkies and drug addicts voting for him.

      13 years ago at 11:44 am
    3. phigamsecrets

      In Cook County the majority of the people you mentioned are disenfranchised. Also, you should know west Chicago is where the United Center is (very ghetto.) The Conservatives are most likely evangelicals further west in the suburbs, I imagine near Dupage County which is the church capital of the United States.

      13 years ago at 11:53 am
    4. phigamsecrets

      Oh, yes you did produce Obama. I mentioned nothing of his place of birth. His political career was generated in Chicago, IL.

      13 years ago at 11:56 am
    5. Six_Thirty

      Illinois did NOT produce Obama. In fact the only president to be born and raised in Illinois was Ronald Reagan.

      13 years ago at 12:01 pm
    1. phigamsecrets

      Obama’s entire legislative career, spanning from 1996 until 2008, was served in the state of Illinois. Please, explain how his political career was not “born and raised” in Illinois.

      13 years ago at 12:07 pm
    2. fratstar3

      also from DuPage county, Naperville specifically. Dupage county is great but there’s a little too much new money for my taste

      13 years ago at 12:08 pm
    3. Six_Thirty

      Phigamasecrets, I’m not responsible for what the poor welfare addicts east of Western Ave voted into office. I was saying that Barack Obama the person was born and raised elsewhere and his morals, character and, political views were not shaped by the great state of Illinois. Wrong thread btw but whatever.

      fratstar3, where’d you go to HS? And yeah, I agree with you, the new money traders that have moved in to my city in the last 10 years kill me on the inside a little, with their shitty fashion sense, mcmansions, and bratty spoiled kids.

      Fuck me, missed the reply button, WWS vs Glenbard West is on ESPN and it’s close, so I wasn’t paying attention

      13 years ago at 12:19 pm
    4. phigamsecrets

      Obama’s career as a Senator in the *not-that-amazing state of Illinois perpetuated the liberal agenda the other congressmen of the state were pressing. Therefore, yes his political views did express Illinois. Try using facts not irrelevant tidbits.

      13 years ago at 12:26 pm
    5. phigamsecrets

      Chicago is the third most populated city in the United States. Your little map is misleading, unless correctly read, which would then indicate to an educated person that the state is liberal, consequently, the liberal agenda is pushed through to Washington.

      13 years ago at 12:40 pm
    6. Six_Thirty

      But how many people a representative represents carries no weight. What does however, is the fact there are far more republican representatives out of Illinois than there are Democrats, so in terms of national legislation, Illinois is more conservative than it is liberal.

      13 years ago at 12:43 pm
    7. phigamsecrets

      How much weight does the president carry? Oh, and your governor, elected by your people, is a Dem, how much weight does that carry? Big deal, your congressional ratio is pretty much 50/50.

      13 years ago at 12:51 pm
    8. Six_Thirty

      Sorry, I forgot that the only people who voted in the 2008 election were from Illinois. This argument was about whether or not Illinois produced Obama. He moved to Illinois when he was 31, he was already the fully formed big government loving socialist that he was when he came here.

      13 years ago at 12:54 pm
    9. phigamsecrets

      Wrong again, he moved to the windy city when he was 24 before he departed for Harvard. Illinois did produce Obama, launched his political career and gave him enough exposure to be elected president.

      13 years ago at 1:01 pm
    10. REK

      Jimmy Carter – Georgia
      Lyndon Johnson – Texas
      Bill Clinton – Arkansas
      Al Gore – Tennessee

      Let’s not pretend the South is immune from shit heads.

      13 years ago at 8:21 pm
  1. Six_Thirty

    Phigamasecrets, I’m not responsible for what the poor welfare addicts east of Western Ave voted into office. I was saying that Barack Obama the person was born and raised elsewhere and his morals, character and, political views were not shaped by the great state of Illinois. Wrong thread btw but whatever.

    fratstar3, where’d you go to HS? And yeah, I agree with you, the new money traders that have moved in to my city in the last 10 years kill me on the inside a little, with their shitty fashion sense, mcmansions, and bratty spoiled kids.

    13 years ago at 12:18 pm
    1. Sunrise Shotguns

      Shut the fuck up. Obama is NF, and part of Illinois is NF. Every state has people who are communists.

      13 years ago at 12:55 pm
    2. fratstar3

      Naperville North is also NF, try again. If its public and its not New Trier or maybe, maybe Hinsdale Central then it’s safe to say its NF

      13 years ago at 6:16 pm
    3. Six_Thirty

      fratstar3 I have you pegged as a Benet kid, am I correct? I think we can all agree that Fenwick is the king of NF.

      13 years ago at 8:28 pm
    4. Nov 1 1901

      Barrington HS is also FaF. New Trier definitely. Hinsdale Central maybe. Stevenson is pretty frat too. Basically, the public schools that are good at Lacrosse are a safe bet.

      13 years ago at 8:14 am
    1. Six_Thirty

      Barrington Hills, where it’s Illegal to own less than 5 acres of very expensive land, to keep out commoners. FaF

      13 years ago at 4:40 pm
    1. Six_Thirty

      WWS’s quarterback transferring, then hazing his old school on national television first game of the year. FaF

      13 years ago at 5:50 pm
    2. phigamsecrets

      Anything that is in the suburbs to the west is nothing to anyone who is someone. Old money is north of Chicago.

      13 years ago at 6:22 pm
    3. Six_Thirty

      I’ll discuss whatever school’s I want to discuss. Unless you went to Latin my school’s tuition was twice yours.

      13 years ago at 8:29 pm
  2. fratstar3

    Those of you blindly hating on Illinois have clearly never been to Winnetka, Glencoe, East Lake Forest, Kenilworth, the Gold Coast, or any of the more exclusive areas of Barrington and DuPage county. “I’d love to live in the south…if I was a mosquito”

    13 years ago at 6:22 pm
    1. Six_Thirty

      Honestly, the whole North vs. South argument is about as juvenile as the whole x university vs y university argument, and it will never be resolved.

      13 years ago at 8:31 pm