cu boulder kappa sigma beachapalooza hot girls

Every Hot Girl Ever Was At CU Boulder Kappa Sig’s Beachapalooza

I’m having an existential crisis over here, guys. I’ve watched this video 10, maybe 20 times now, and I can’t stop thinking, “How? Is this real? Are we real? What is real, even?”

I knew 12s existed, but not so many, and especially not so many in one area. Apparently all of America’s 12s held a summit at CU Boulder Kappa Sig’s Beachapalooza, and my gawd is the video evidence something. I… I think I need to go lie down for a bit.

And here I thought Coloradans were all weed-smoking, snowboard-humping, buffalo-tickling mountain people. Touché, Boulder. Touché.

Kappa Sig’s Beachapalooza is a pretty epic annual party. Last year’s Beachapalooza vid has 95K+ views on YouTube, so people are clearly paying attention. Just hopefully not mom and dad.

I don’t know much about the CU Boulder Kappa Sig chapter, but I’m taking a wild guess that there are (and will continue to be) a healthy amount of fifth and sixth-year seniors. Who could blame ’em? Never, ever graduate.

[via YouTube]

Image via YouTube

  1. chaderbing

    Anyone care to explain how a “beachapalooza” doesn’t have a single drop of alcohol or red solo in their video?

    7 years ago at 12:43 pm
    1. BuschLattesFTW

      2 possibilities: They are smart of PC culture being pussies about anything or it isn’t Pike so they don’t need to hand out roofied solos

      7 years ago at 12:52 pm
      1. Snow Man

        The PC episode of South Park did take place in Colorado… So, no, fuck you.

        7 years ago at 6:34 pm
  2. Smellrobust

    As someone who’s in a fraternity at CU Boulder so I can speak to why there’s no alcohol visible. Beachapalooza is actually a philanthropy event so the main event is essentially just a dry pool party, but Kappa sig has an annex that shares a backyard with their main house so people just go in there to drink then enter a dry area for the main event.

    7 years ago at 2:53 pm
  3. DKJV44

    That’s my chapter, Gamma Tau! Glad to see y’all are still throwing down, perhaps harder than ever. 😛

    7 years ago at 5:25 pm
      1. DKJV44

        Beats me, man. I graduated, I’m a fucking adult. But chances are alcohol was involved.

        7 years ago at 12:22 am
      2. DKJV44

        Actually, agree with the guy above. I didn’t see any alcohol, not even cups. so who knows? SWIM

        7 years ago at 1:02 am
  4. Shoop

    The chick in the red bikini at 1:00 definitely has some side nip out for the boys

    7 years ago at 5:37 pm
  5. DerPatriot14

    There’s no alcohol visible because these guys are smart and know our Nationals know about this event and will shut it down if they’re promoting Kappa Sigma and our philanthropy with a video containing alcohol.

    7 years ago at 9:57 am