FAIL FRIDAY: High Heels, Higher Standards

Below are the best of the worst photos, videos and TFMs sent in by our readers this week. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, but God sees all shame.

Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

Getting so high you lose a single, size 15, leather boot at your own house party. TFM.

We get it, you have big feet.

Taking a real babe on a first date to Sonic to keep her standards low so you save money long term. TFM.

Wise financial decision, idiotic sexual decision.

Having one fuck speed and one fuck speed only: jackhammer supernova. TFM.

Sounds incredibly enjoyable for the ladies.

Asking her to wear a Trump mask while she rides you. TFM.

In no way is this the normal behavior of a sane human.

Jordan Belfort lifestyle, Donnie Azoff masturbation habits. TFM.

Meaning you just take it out and stroke when you see a dime? Respect.

You want a piece of me? Come and get it. I’ll throw hands. Hell, I’ll sling cum at you. TFM.

Interesting fight tactic, but probably results in a win, technically.

Little dick, big bank statement, medium-sized sex drive. It’s a fratty move.

Pathetic statement, incorrect formatting.

If you want to judge me for wearing adult diapers that’s fine, but your moms don’t seem to mind. TFM.

I’m preeeetty sure they do mind, actually. Everyone minds.

Sliding the family housekeeper Rosalinda a crisp $10 bill to flash you a fat Mexi-titty when home for summer. TFM.

Weird move, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.

I was born to frat, fuck, fart, and freebase cocaine. TFM.

Weren’t we all?

I do not care if it is for charity -- these high heel pictures are disgraceful.
I do not care if it is for charity — these high heel pictures are disgraceful.
They get all of the pussy.
They get all of the pussy.
He must be stopped.
He must be stopped.
He is pregnant.
He is pregnant.
Way to do your frat flag proud.
Way to do your frat flag proud.
That is what we call a judgement error.
That is what we call a judgement error.
Dude come on.
Dude come on.
Holy crap this is lame.
Holy crap this is lame.
Oh no.
Oh no.
He is on the move.
He is on the move.
Fucking why guys? WHY?
Fucking why guys? WHY?
Looks like these guys get lit as hell.
Looks like these bros get lit as hell.
Should've forgotten about this photo and never posted it.
Should’ve forgotten about this photo and never posted it.
You better, because nobody else does.
You better, because nobody else does.
Rouuuugh night.
Rouuuugh night.
Goober family on fleek.
Goober family on fleek.
The fuck you doing son?
The fuck you doing son?
We're going to have to give them back to the girls if this is all you've got.
We’re going to have to give them back to the girls if this is all you’ve got.
Gang gang gang gang.
Gang gang gang gang.
Get friend-zoned harder. You can't.
Get friend-zoned harder. You can’t.

Things could be going better for this guy

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Golf is fun

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He caught all cheek (@nolanporetz)

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Let the devil out of you, son

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Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

    1. AndrewsMomsAss

      If he golfs in boat shoes, does he boat in golf shoes? Ha ha I’m going to put that on Facebook!

      8 years ago at 7:42 am
  1. SharkWeekTFM

    Somehow “It’s a fratty move” got me. Maybe just cause it’s still early.

    8 years ago at 7:58 am
  2. MightBePike

    I’m back, bitches. Behold my giant color and tiny hat. You’ve heard my prof pic’s name but never seen his face. Revel in my indemnity, not gonna look up what that word means but it sounds fancy enough

    8 years ago at 8:05 am
      1. SharkWeekTFM

        I dunno, all the negativity I don’t let out thru this account has to come out somewhere. Positivity is kinda my schtick.
        And for any guitar players out there. That is Orville Gibson of Gibson guitars.

        8 years ago at 11:10 am
    1. thevaginators dad

      “And you have to be a poor loser who’s never been laid.” – my son

      8 years ago at 8:48 am
    2. thevaginator

      You do realize I’d knock you the fuck out right? I’d sit down and shut up

      8 years ago at 9:51 am
  3. Ronnie Swanson

    Am I crazy or does the mirror selfie guy with the sunburn kind of look like Bacon?

    8 years ago at 9:29 am