FAIL FRIDAY: Whole Squad Failing

Below are the best of the worst photos, videos and TFMs sent in by our readers this week. Names have been omitted to protect the guilty, but God sees all shame.

Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

Been waiting all year for fall so I can wear yoga pants and show off my glutes. TFM.

Pretty sure you’re looking for TSM, player.

When she has a prosthetic leg but it’s toned as hell so you give her a drink and take her back to your place to make love. TFM.

One leg, zero problems.

Every dude in your clique dressing like another dude from your clique for Halloween. TFM.

Damn y’all must be drowning in ass.

Passing out and pissing yourself at church because you’re still so drunk from the night before. TFM.

You might need to get into recovery.

Forcing your favorite pledge to have sex with a dead possum without a condom. TFM.

Because with a condom it would’ve been way less weird.

Surviving on a diet of Fruit Rollups and Busch Light. TFM.

I bet your poops smell like a funeral home.

Using the Kevin Spacey “I’m a gay man” whenever you get in trouble. TFM.

That’s foolproof.

Hitting the grocery store and filling your cart entirely with lube then just pushing it around for a few hours up and down every aisle to let everyone know you fuck. TFM.

Putting out the vibes.

Handing out packs of cigarettes to children on Halloween. TFM.

Probably illegal, definitely awesome.

Putting peanut butter between your toes so the frat hound with tongue your feet while you crank because it feels good and dogs are man’s best friend. TFM.

You sick, disgusting son of a bitch.

Hell yeah you do.
Hell yeah you do.
Hide your girl.
Hide your girl.
Making the founders proud.
Making the founders proud.
Its called brothership, ever heard of it?
It’s called brothership, ever heard of it?
Look deep into his belly button.
Look deep into his belly button.
You should see the other guys.
You should see the other guys.
Impressive stack.
Impressive stack.
Why you gotta go and do that?
Why you gotta go and do that?
Come on, man.
Come on, man.
NEED to know what that tattoo is.
NEED to know what that tattoo is.
Goobers doing battle.
Goobers doing battle.
Boys night!
Boys night!
Well, love and a good tattoo removal place.
Love and a good tattoo removal place.
Rate his fit.
Rate his fit.
I dont know whats happening here, but its terrifying.
I don’t know what’s happening here, but it’s terrifying.
He made doody in his pantalones.
He made doody in his pantalones.
Squad all lit up.
Squad all lit up.
Shame, shame, shame.
Shame, shame, shame.
Oh no.
Oh no.
Thanks Ben!!!!
Thanks Ben!!!!

Who you got?

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Hey man why’d you hit your phone with that golf club (@Seansanguansap)

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Tag the person you’d like to do this to

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Golf is fun

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Graphic content warning

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Heart Mechanic


Got something you think should be featured in Fail Friday? Send it to us HERE.

  1. Ghost of Dixie Past

    Forcing the frat hound to lick your feet is beta as fuck. A real alpha would dunk their testicles in peanut butter and have the frat hound lick it off while they beat the frock.

    7 years ago at 1:54 pm
      1. SharkWeekTFM

        It’s not beastiality if you’re in a frat. Otherwise every pledge who ever had to get a lesson from the froat (frat goat) would be some kinda pervert.

        7 years ago at 5:13 pm
  2. Ghost of Dixie Past

    Heart mechanic girl is built like a purebred Clydesdale and reminds me of my childhood. 11/10 would split those cheeks (with consent) for 10 minutes then spend the rest of the night crying in her arms.

    7 years ago at 2:25 pm
      1. Ghost of Dixie Past

        If you’re “top tier” in these comment sections I’d rather be bottom tier than share a title with you, Mangina Pledge.

        7 years ago at 1:35 am
  3. Fratty Couples PGA

    At least, one of the chicks in the playboy picture is pretty hot, but at the same time she is the maximum distance possible away from those two bros, which makes it significantly less cool.

    7 years ago at 6:07 pm
  4. Tandy Phrats

    TFM IS DEAD!! It only took 6 years, but enjoy milking that old dried up cow, ya bunch of chicken fuckers

    7 years ago at 11:19 am
  5. jahafi

    My Unclê яyån go т å vêяy nicê Volksшågên Jê т тå Spoя тшågên jus т by шoяking onlinê å т
    homê… sêê moяê…..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    7 years ago at 10:44 pm