female college student

Female College Students Far Outnumber Male College Students According To Dope-Ass Study

female college student

According to some education professionals and the U.S. Department of Education, we may have an epidemic on our hands. Currently, 56% of college students nationwide are women. Even crazier, the DoE estimates that this could rise to a 57/43 split by 2026. As a result, it appears that some institutions, like Carlow University with it’s 6:1 split, are claiming that this trend is a problem that needs to be remedied ASAP. In fact, in a The Atlantic article featuring the situation at Carlow, the author came to a startling realization: “The new minority on campus? Men.”

For starters — and I can’t speak for all of my collegiate brethren — I think this is the fucking tits. We are the minority. Let that sink in. By simply being men, it would appear that we are now lusted after by college admissions across the country. And, if the trend continues, this could lead to you or your future son gaining some serious leverage with that blowhard professor who failed you with a 64.44%.

The downside to this situation is that people are trying to fix it. For the first time in history, women are seriously outnumbering men on college campuses, and the divide is getting worse (better). So far as I’m concerned, this is natural selection at its finest. Those of us with the brains, money, and/or connections are rewarded by being accepted into institutions of higher learning where the guy/girl ratio makes finding a fling, passive-aggressive girlfriend, or some catch-and-release wifey material like shooting fish in an aquarium.

Therefore, we must band together and beseech college admissions departments across the country to cut this shit out and let us enjoy our minority status. Are many men doomed by socioeconomic factors to either choose to avoid or not even be able to gain admittance to college? Sure. But is that our problem? No. Do we want to be arbitrarily rewarded for making it to college with big dicks swinging? Yes. So, we must stand up for what has become incidentally ours and not just protect but accelerate this growing gender gap.

And why should we put in the effort to keep growing this ratio? Because I have a dream. A dream that each of us, at our given colleges and universities, can one day wake up to a scene like that at Carlow University: a 600% disparity between male and female enrollment that leads to women fighting over us in campus-wide cat fights that look like a sick cross between a Van Wilder movie, Game of Thrones, and a really graphic Michael Vick biopic.

Of course, all dreams come at a price. Just to get from a 56% female majority to a 57% one is projected to take until 2026. Plus, we have college admissions working against us. In order to succeed, we’ll need all of our marketing and advertising majors working around the clock to recruit more women to cancel out the efforts of admissions and the US DoE.

In the end, I believe it can be done. This year’s figures, while inexplicably framed in a negative light by news outlets and the DoE, are encouraging, and show that DeVos must be doing something right. I believe that growing this ratio will be a labor-intensive long con the likes of which our children’s children will thank us for starting.

[via The Atlantic]

Image via Shutterstock

      1. BIowjob420

        And trust me, I’m an expert at not being able to pull. My dad stocks the condom machines in bowling alleys so I get all the free condoms I want. Long story short, whenever he asks me if I need a refill I say, “No thanks, I’ve still got the one you gave me when I was 16.”

        7 years ago at 11:42 am
      2. BIowjob420

        And every night before I drift off to sleep I masturbate thinking about Fratty McFratfrat. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

        7 years ago at 4:16 pm
      3. Blowjob420

        You sure about that? Considering you’re the one that takes time out of your day just to pretend to be me.

        7 years ago at 5:25 pm
      4. BIowjob420

        Yes I’m positive that I masturbate every night thinking about Fratty McFratfrat. Fratty McFratfrat represents everything I am not, but hope that I could be. He is smart, whereas I am a shithead. Fratty makes great comments; I make stupid comments. Fratty is handsome; I am a puny little shit. Fratty has an enormous penis; mine is so small it is actually more like a clitoris. And finally, Fratty McFratfrat is hugely fratty while I am a cargo short wearing geed. I love Fratty McFratfrat. But my love in unrequited. I wish I had the courage to chug bleach and end it all…

        7 years ago at 5:48 pm
      5. Blowjob420

        Interesting. Don’t you have a wall post of you wearing cargos and vans? Not to mention your 2″ bicpes. I’m sure you’ve seen the comments on that post. Do you know how much shit you got? You are saying these things to try and convince yourself you are not this way. However, YOU are everything you say I am. You are so insecure it’s not funny.

        7 years ago at 6:15 pm
      6. Blowjob420

        If you need a reminder of what post it is just go to your profile (Fratty McFratFrat) and scroll all the way down. Gotta say man, that’s a funny meme. Hey, do you know where I can get a sick pair of those 12 inch inseam shorts?

        7 years ago at 6:22 pm
      7. BIowjob420

        As you can see, I am obsessed with Fratty McFratfrat. I go to his TFM profile. I pore over his comments. I look at the pictures he has posted. I fantasize about who Fratty McFratfrat is and what he looks like. I see a picture that I hope is Fratty. I masturbate while looking at this picture. I am totally consumed by Fratty McFratfrat. He owns my soul. He resides deep within the convolutions of my brain. I wish he were mine…

        7 years ago at 6:46 pm
      8. Blowjob420

        “As you can see, I am obsessed with Fratty McFratfrat…I go to his TFM profile. I pore over his comments”
        Wait.. But who has an account dedicated to the other person? Who ALWAYS comments on my comments? Bro you are literally naming everything you do to me. Are you autistic? At this point I’m worried about your mental health.

        7 years ago at 6:52 pm
      9. Blowjob420

        You can take the defensive and use “insults” all you want. It just makes you look like a little punk bitch and a keyboard warrior. You’re not about shit in real life.

        7 years ago at 6:55 pm
      10. BIowjob420

        Some may ask, “Why am I talking to myself?” It is because I am at war with myself. I love Fratty McFratfrat, and yet I know that my love for him is forbidden. Some may ask, “How long will your internal dialog last?” I fear it will last until the moon is swept away by the stars, for my loins will eternally seek to be satisfied by the thrust of Fratty McFratfrat’s pork sword. My only recourse is to masturbate while dreaming of being fucked in the ass by Fratty McFratfrat. Fratty McFratfrat owns my brain, my soul, my ass. I am the puppet of Fratty McFratfrat. I will forever dance for him.

        7 years ago at 7:03 pm
    1. JohnnyFratkins

      Being the janitor in a filthy low-class strip joint doesn’t count, bud

      7 years ago at 1:16 pm
  1. Frat Turnt Titty

    Need more data to decide whether this is a good thing. Are we getting instagram models or feminazi whales?

    7 years ago at 5:42 pm