Shut up GDI my dad will buy you a new ozone layer. TFM.

    1. John Quincy Fratams

      Shut up. 90% of the shit that’s posted on this site is fake. This is funny if you have a sense of humor, which most people on this site do. It’s stupid people like yourself that make it no fun to read.

      14 years ago at 12:22 am
    2. CamaBRO SS

      Ozone has nothing to do with GW. Damn, do you business or pre-law Greeks know anything about science?

      14 years ago at 2:34 am
    3. Realpolitik

      Not believing in global warming = NF. Jesus, at least GDIs aren’t completely ignorant when it comes to environmental science.

      14 years ago at 7:29 am
    4. SouthernPride

      Stfu anchors and pearls a
      And realpolitik. Global warming is bullshit whether your “environmental studies” show it or not. Go bitch about it to someone else and get off this site. I hate liberal bitches like you. No one cares if the world gets a little warmer anyways. I’m gonna enjoy my life by drinking beer, going out on my boat, and having a fucking great time while you can sit around and try to “fix” this oh so devestating crisis.

      14 years ago at 8:36 am
    5. Realpolitik

      Ouch. Someone’s a little touchy, eh?

      The comment section’s here for people to express their opinions. That’s one of mine. I don’t care whether you agree with it or not, but the least you can do is calm yourself down, suck it up, and deal with it in a mature manner.

      14 years ago at 3:35 pm
    6. SouthernPride

      Well you see, this site is called TFM… so it’s not for people of your kind. So the reason I’m all “touchy” is because I don’t want pussys like you ruining my site. Man, I’m so so sorry that I messed up typing this NObama. Like I’m really sorry I offended you. I should just quit life now because I messed up on some grammar. Please forgive me. I hate people like you that criticize misspellings. It ruins this site.

      14 years ago at 5:57 pm
  1. K

    Shut the fuck up, seriously.
    This is by far the MOST retarded TFM I’ve seen.

    And when I say this, I don’t mean it to be condescending, but I honestly think that you’re a GDI. There is no way that even a bottom-tier would post this.

    14 years ago at 1:04 am
  2. 3,2,1 south should have won

    People are probably going to say this is NF but I think it’s hilarious. Keep fratting

    14 years ago at 1:06 am
    1. Fratagonia

      I don’t know about her politics but the whole thing is pretty funny if you read the article.

      14 years ago at 10:06 am
  3. adpi til i die

    if i was a gdi i’d love science. because if i cared then wouldn’t have a trust fund.

    14 years ago at 4:16 am
    1. CamaBRO SS

      Oh I love science. Every time one of you buys a camera phone or a camera, my family gets a nice check. Gotta love patents.

      14 years ago at 4:23 am
    1. Sir Issac Brewton

      That’s saying TSM are even legitimate. Which we all know aren’t. The only moves they need to be making are in the bedroom

      14 years ago at 8:48 pm