My slampiece calls my night stand drawer "Wonka's factory" because it's full of gold wrappers. TFM.

    1. Red BROman

      who are you fucking “fratting on” that you need to worry about herpes? Do some research on the person before you start putting your dick in strange places.

      14 years ago at 12:01 am
  1. Haze Balzington

    true fratstars are immune to STD’s and getting girls pregnant, the gold in a wedding ring causes an undesirable reaction which causes the pregnancy immunity to go away but the STD immunity stays in place to the delite of slutty secretaries and paralegals across the country.

    14 years ago at 12:08 am
  2. DX1890DX

    It’s all about the Trojan Ecstacy. Except when i raw dog it, which is almost every time

    14 years ago at 10:07 am