The GDI service "fraternity" just got busted for hazing....amateurs. TFM.

  1. my fraternity hazed your fraternity

    Ha, anonymous state, NF. You either have to be a GDI or in a “fraternity” (for whatever reason you chose to use quotes) that has a pledge process comparable to that of sorority rush week. Who gives a fuck if you get caught… oh wait, GDIs do.

    Getting busted for hazing and then giving the pledges a punishment workout as a result. TFM

    14 years ago at 2:53 am
    1. 88

      u have no fucking idea what hes talking about. these GDI fucks call themselves a service “fraternity”. at my campus they clean up roadds no one uses, pay $50 a semester, and and are co-ed. they arent are fraternity. they are all GDIs and piss me the fuck off

      14 years ago at 8:03 am