The north just had their second blizzard of the year, last night my chapter had our fifth of the semester. TFM.

  1. OneFrattyFuck

    Hard drugs are NF. All they lead to is welfare programs. You should go home and back hand your parents for not raising you right and making you nothing but a drain on American society. Hopefully your chapter gets shut down.

    14 years ago at 5:22 pm
    1. JD Rockefratter

      Spoken like a true GDI. Fratdaddies obviously are not on welfare because they OD before they OD. (Overdose before Overdraft)

      14 years ago at 1:24 pm
  2. prince auf deutsch

    OneFrattyFuck-obvi arent using white to its full potential. throw it on sorosties and watch what they do; i bet it will change your opinion.

    14 years ago at 9:46 pm