Food Blogger Has Vodka Samples Sent To Him, Lets The Homeless Taste Test Them Instead

I am extremely jealous I did not think of taste testing vodka samples with the homeless first, because that’s all kinds of awesome. If you aren’t familiar with the blog, I suggest checking it out, and soon, before its author’s heart explodes. The author has a serious affinity for bacon, as well as using cheese as bread for his sandwiches. That’s the kind of ingenuity that would make some people I know, were they ever to learn of this technique, become morbidly obese within a matter of days. Either way, the blog is great.

When DudeFoods author, Nick, was sent some Vodka to try out, instead of simply drinking it and writing about it, he instead took the product to the experts.

ODDKA Vodka recently sent me five of their new flavors to try out.

So, I decided to take the vodka to the streets instead! Oh, and by “streets” what I really mean is “homeless people,” because honestly, who knows more about drinking than homeless people right?

I headed to downtown Milwaukee where within minutes I met Edward, who described his favorite drink as “anything I can get my hands on.” I asked him if he’d be interested in reviewing some new vodka flavors with me and told him that I’d even pay him $20 for his time. “Wait, so you’re gonna pay me to drink vodka with you!?” was his initial reaction.

Yeah that’s pretty much the hobo jackpot, getting paid to drink.

Fortunately for Edward the Bum, he wouldn’t be swilling Congress on this day. Instead, he and the DudeFoods author got to sample some of the most absurdly flavored vodkas I’ve ever heard of.

Out of the five flavors we tried — Apple Pie, Electricity, Fresh Cut Grass, Caramel Popcorn and Wasabi — my favorite was Apple Pie, Edward’s was Wasabi. “Woo woo! That stuff has some kick!” he exclaimed as he took a swig of it.

Even the most normal sounding of the five vodka flavors — Apple Pie — sounds disgusting. I have no fucking clue what Electricity is supposed to taste like? Copper? Edward had some reservations of his own.

Edward also had some strong thoughts about the Fresh Cut Grass prior to tasting it. “Fresh cut grass? Why the hell would you wanna drink fresh cut grass?”

That’s coming from a guy who has possibly eaten fresh cut grass. Apparently, though, the flavor ended up working out okay for Edward.

After trying it he changed his tune however…. “Now normally I never would have tried a flavor called Fresh Cut Grass, but you know what? This stuff is alright! They gotta do something about that name though….”

And so ended one of the great taste tests in history. I trust Edward’s pallet, and so should you, dear TFM readers, as he drinks the same sorts of vodka you usually do.



  1. PhiPsiPhrat

    A guy whose favorite alcohol is “anything I can get my hands on” wouldn’t try a flavor called “fresh cut grass?” Not buying it.

    11 years ago at 2:54 pm
  2. Broston Tea Party

    As long as Edward isn’t that crazy fuck who drives around Marquette University with ‘you’re going to hell’ posters on his car, it sounds like a great idea.

    11 years ago at 11:15 pm