Former Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky Wants A New Trial Because He Thinks He’s Innocent
Two failed direct appeals and an iron-clad case against him is not deterring convicted predator Jerry Sandusky from continuing to push for a retrial. The former Penn State defensive coordinator claims that his side of the story still “hasn’t been told.”
From ESPN:
‘I believe there are two sides to this story,’ the 72-year-old Sandusky said during testimony that lasted just less than an hour. ‘My side still hasn’t been told.’
At issue now is whether Sandusky’s former lawyers provided inadequate counsel and whether Sandusky is entitled to a new trial. Sandusky’s current defense attorney, Al Lindsay, argued the preliminary hearing should not have been waived.
Dammit, Jerry. I’m a lawyer, not a miracle worker. Even Hillary Clinton in her prime couldn’t lie this man out of a conviction. I bet Robert Kardashian wouldn’t even take the case if he was alive and his daughters are still getting athletes off like it’s their job.
If you’re innocent, how much legal advice do you need? For starters, when a reporter asks you if you’re attracted to young boys, don’t waffle the question. According to his new counsel, his old legal team didn’t prep him for Bob Costas’ traps concerning whether kids move his needle. Going in, he must have thought they were going to discuss football or something.
Lindsay also said Sandusky’s past counsel was negligent in advising him not to testify, giving Sandusky just 15 minutes to prepare for his infamous NBC interview and not filing appropriate motions for pursuing possible arguments.
“I didn’t understand enough of what was happening, what was transpiring, what was going on,” Sandusky testified Friday.
State prosecutor Jennifer Peterson argued that Sandusky was well aware what was at stake then and cannot change his mind after the fact. He did not testify because of the threat of his adopted son testifying against him, she said. Sandusky was also eager to get his story out to the media, she insisted, and he regretted speaking to NBC only when it backfired.
Going with the ‘ol JoePa, I was too old and confused to understand what was happening but I wish I would have done things differently argument. Classic Spanier administration cop-out (and an accurate embodiment of the aggregate Penn State culture, circa 2012). To some people, the lines of molestation become blurred at the onset of such an advanced age.
One might ask why this guy is even still allowed to testify to anything. He seemingly bungled loaded question after loaded question. If you followed the hyperlink, halfway through the video, you hear his lawyer intervene, as Sandusky just can’t stop incriminating himself. I wonder if, at some point, his attorney had to pull the old ball coach aside and say “Hey Jerry. I believe you didn’t do it, and we’re gonna get you off. But, when reporters ask you if you’re attracted to young boys or girls, say no. Don’t think it over. Don’t repeat the question. Don’t ask what he means by attracted. Don’t tell him you just love young people. Just say no.”
His guilt is clear as ever. However, under PA’s Post Conviction Relief Act, he can continue to testify, appeal and demand a new trial as long as he can show that he was provided with inadequate counsel, in addition to the discovery of new evidence and proof of constitutional violations. He should point out all of his old interviews and say “these fuckers never told me I couldn’t admit to liking kids.” That seems like some sub-par lawyering right there. Or, better yet, he should have exercised his constitutional right to keep his trap shut all along..
[via ESPN]
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9 years ago at 2:23 pmProve it.
9 years ago at 2:29 pmFuck off imposter Dorn. The real pube head Dorn needs to answer for his crimes
9 years ago at 2:35 pmAnd stop deleting comments.
9 years ago at 2:45 pmAnd stop deleting accounts. I just hacked my way back into your shitty site and set myself back up. It took all of about 10 minutes.
9 years ago at 12:28 amGrandex has haf a culture of silence for years.
9 years ago at 5:55 pmSeriously, fuck this guy. TScumbagM
9 years ago at 2:26 pmAnd fuck Joe Pa. He knew what was happening, that old fuck.
9 years ago at 3:42 pmJoe Pa has deceased. Let’s show some respect
9 years ago at 6:12 pmHey dumbass, literally fucking everyone dies. Just because you’re dead doesn’t mean you’re automatically not a complete piece of shit.
9 years ago at 8:23 pmHitler is dead too asshole. Should we show him some respect?
9 years ago at 8:45 pmDying does not mean the entire world has to forget about the horrible things someone did in life. JoePa knowingly enabled a child molester for decades. He’s a piece of shit and is burning in hell as we speak. That statue of him should be melted down for scrap.
9 years ago at 10:54 pmI hope they bury his fucking ass under the jail
9 years ago at 2:28 pm#freesanduskyheisinnocent
9 years ago at 2:28 pmLadies and gentlemen, I’ve identified the Penn st grad
9 years ago at 2:30 pmEat shit you fuck. I hope Dan sneaks into your room and night and milks his DDs on your face
9 years ago at 2:30 pmIt was a joke.. I think Sandusky and Dorn should be castrated
9 years ago at 2:39 pmYour articles suck too Kramer Smash
9 years ago at 2:41 pmThe only good part you’ve had in your whole life was entourage John, and only because it was entourage
9 years ago at 12:33 amFUCK you!
9 years ago at 3:25 pmHarambe is dead and this guy is still walking around?
9 years ago at 2:30 pmOnly the good die young
9 years ago at 6:20 pmMary Fuck Kill – Intern Squidley, Sandusky, Flo from Progressive
9 years ago at 2:32 pmKill Sandusky, fuck Squidley, Marry Flo. Any other way you look at it you’re fucked.
9 years ago at 2:34 pmI don’t even know why the fuck I answered this. I guess I’ll just go back to 8th grade.
9 years ago at 2:39 pmKill Sandusky and Intern Queef – they both like fucking with middle school boys.
9 years ago at 12:45 amThis is easy. Kill Flo, fuck Squidley, Marry Sandusky. Sandusky is gonna be in prison for life so you’d never have to interact with him, but he still has a shitload of money that you would be entitled to half of by being his spouse.
9 years ago at 10:56 pmCan’t believe this guy, he’ll stay in jail forever
9 years ago at 2:33 pmIf God could just hit him with some lightning or some myocardial infarction soon that would be great
9 years ago at 2:36 pmPut him in a cell with Subway Jared
9 years ago at 2:42 pmJared has been getting a footlong every night in the joint from a large skin head, named Tank.
9 years ago at 3:01 pmI’m sure that footlong is a few shades darker and it’s delivered by a guy named Reggie.
9 years ago at 3:45 pmWhole grain for sure
9 years ago at 4:09 pmThey put Subway Jared in a prison here in CO that basically has only child molesters in it so no one will kill him. Total bullshit, I say let the perv get his ass blasted by 12 inches of fury
9 years ago at 8:17 pmWhat did dorn do?
9 years ago at 3:54 pm