Fratstars vs. Flatbills: It’s A War. Sterling Cooper Reports


Unbeknownst to many of you, I have been spending my recent months in a war-zone. When I am not working as a congressional lobbyist for whiskey distillers or in my position as the United States’ ambassador to the Republic of Texas, I am operating as a field correspondent in one of the most dangerous battlefields in the country…the party scene. I have been observing a war that many of you have been participating in. One that affects us all. But before I delve into this dark, twisted reality, allow me to set the scene for those of you who are lucky to not be involved.

GDIs have many flaws – chief of which is that they are GDIs – but in reality most of them are harmless. In fact, many of them are helpful. GDIs are the ones in our study groups who do all of the work while we skip group meetings to watch the sporting events we bet on. GDIs are the ones who practice for weeks for intramurals, only to lose to a team of mostly drunk, carefree fraternity men, even when we play two men short because one guy went to Vegas for no reason and another guy is passed out on our bench. Most importantly, GDIs are the ones who will end up working for us, doing all of the tasks that are below our caliber and pay grade. However, there is a group of GDIs who are much more than nerds and hipsters. These guys, my friends, are known as the Flatbills.

Flatbills are a very particular, very dangerous breed of GDI. They tend to fit a certain mold. Most of them played baseball in high school. A few of them were good enough to walk onto your university’s team, but definitely not good enough to earn a scholarship. They are, by no stretch of the imagination, athletes. Despite this, they act as if they are the coolest men the world has seen since the cast of Walker, Texas Ranger (which is cooler than an Eskimo’s dick in mid-February). They wear too-tight shirts with athletic shorts, drink shitty liquor mixed with energy drinks, and almost definitely have the most disturbing tribal/oriental tattoos you’ve ever seen. And yes, despite the huge amount of douchebaggery they exude, we are in a war with them.

This is not a war that we chose. If we had our way, the Flatbills would stay in their own hangouts and chase women with lower back tattoos exclusively. But this is not the case. Instead, they are invading. This is not Jets vs. Sharks, because musicals blow giraffe cock. This is Red Dawn, but instead of Russians, we’ve been invaded by UFC-watching, Affliction-wearing, steroided, Fred Durst wannabes. They’ve started coming to our bars, dominating our television, and (worst of all) chasing our women. This would be a minor annoyance if it weren’t for the fact that they’ve had some success. Countless sorority girls have fallen prey to the muscles and sugary “shots,” and I can no longer order a drink without seeing a backwards Yankee hat. I know what some of you are saying, “My bar doesn’t allow people like that in, so it’s not my problem.” Well here’s where you’re wrong. Sure, some bars ban Affliction and ball caps, but a lot of bars won’t. Why? Because a lot of these guys have…money. And bars don’t care about new money or old money; they just want to make a profit, which is great, because capitalism is my middle name. At the end of the day it’s not the job of the bars or the girls to prevent douche-tragedy. It’s ours.

So what do we do? Here’s my plan. Enough of us are in the financial sector that we can easily execute a hostile takeover of every brand that they love. After acquiring these brands (Affliction, Ed Hardy, 59/50, Red Bull, etc.), we set a meeting with the Flatbill Council in either a parking garage or an abandoned warehouse. We then inform them that unless they quit poaching on our land, we will sell all of these brands, at cost to us, to Walmart, to be marketed to the one group that they hate more than fratstars: poorer GDIs. It’s a risky move, but one that must be taken. Men, if we are to protect the sanctity of our bars and our ladies, we have to take a stand. Channel your inner Wolverine and do this with me (and if you don’t get the movie reference, then go back to Pakistan, because you are a fucking terrorist).

  1. 69dodge

    Mr. Cooper, there is one aspect of these JV baseball flatbill GDIs that you neglected to mention: those God-DAMNED phiten energy necklaces they wear all the time. I swear. Sometimes they even wear two of them twisted together… seeing shit like that makes me blind with rage.

    13 years ago at 5:07 pm
    1. Tulane Frat

      Yeah I play at my high school. There are a ton of douchebag, phiten wearing, flatbilling, steroiding assholes.

      13 years ago at 6:13 pm
    2. pikeright

      your NF if your still in high school. It’s past your bed time and while your sleeping ill be banging your mom.

      13 years ago at 7:04 pm
  2. KAvu

    Tip of my hat to you Mr. Cooper. I really fucking hat flat bills. When I went through rush, the first 2 house I went to had at least 5-8 brothers wearing flat bill hats then I went to KA and it was Brooks brothers and Vineyard vines . Why do girls especially sorority girls go out with douches like these?. And some of the Pi Kapp chapter brother still wear flat bills

    13 years ago at 5:13 pm
    1. Old Row Old Money

      Sounds like you know the wrong girls…Man up and take them back, OR just never let them go astray in the first place

      13 years ago at 5:29 pm
    2. Lestor Maddox

      Cool man, tell me more about rush and greek life in general at your school.

      13 years ago at 6:07 pm
    3. KAvu

      Well being greek isn’t as popular as some other sunbelt schools but it because half the student enrollment is from India or Japan and aren’t really good at speaking english. Only KA,Pike,sigma chi,pi kappa phi are on campus and tke and kappa sig are off campus. But some Pi kapps still wear flat bills.

      13 years ago at 6:36 pm
    4. Frat Star 7

      we didn’t really want to hear about your gay ass sunbelt “fratting” experience, he was being sarcastic.

      13 years ago at 7:52 pm
    5. KAvu

      Ok Frat star 7, Yeah I may go to a sunbelt school but my wallet/trust fund say that I am richer than you and will always be . You’re prob one of the guys that gets on here and bullshits everything he says

      13 years ago at 9:17 pm
    6. Peewee123

      KAvu, we obviously go to the same school and the Pi Kapps love those damn flat billed hats. You forgot to mention that they are FaF (fat as fuck) too.

      13 years ago at 9:25 pm
    7. Frat Star 7

      You’re fucking pathetic using the typical wallet/trust fund bailout horseshit. Anybody can say they have money on the internet, fucking do something with your life and prove it to everybody.

      13 years ago at 11:52 pm
    8. Lestor Maddox

      Holy fucking shit, you are more retarded than I first thought… what a fucking moron.

      13 years ago at 11:08 am
    9. Fratter than Fuck

      KAvu 1 question…How FRAT is having half-breeds and Asians as brothers. I have never looked down the row and seen VV or BB walking out of there. I can think of about 10 guys in that chapter that are worth a shit…Atleast that’s KA in my neck of the woods

      13 years ago at 2:00 pm
    10. KAOEK

      KAvu, I don’t know you or how you were raised. All I know is using your trust fund to win an online debate is really pathetic. A true fraternity man is humble and doesn’t have to trash talk to defend his reputation. I personally don’t care if you make yourself look like the epitome of a GDI. Just change your damn user name so you don’t embarrass the rest of the KAs on this site.

      13 years ago at 7:38 pm
  3. Fratasuar

    At my school the flatbills have taken it a step further and joined Pike, those crafty bastards.

    13 years ago at 5:14 pm
  4. addyNattyFratty

    I’ve found a solution cut them off at the source. convince the banks to discontinue overdraft protection on their free checking accounts, they’ll never open a tab in our bars again

    13 years ago at 5:17 pm
  5. CarBro Shorts

    I’m sorry, but these articles just get gayer and gayer each time. I probably wasted a good five minutes reading this because at the end of it all, you propose to buy all of these brands and sell them to Wal-Mart…not gonna happen and everybody knows it. “Oh my god Sterling Cooper, you’re so fratty cuz your write the most retarded shit and put it on TFM. We love you!” Seriously, I know I’m gonna get bashed for this, but come on people was this stupid article really worth posting? Yes, the GDI’s are annoying, but this article just gives everything they do some credibility because we acknowledge it. Sorry you can’t keep your girls or your bars segregated without people banning GDI attire. Where I come from, people know their place (not the North) and they stay there. I get it, you’re a comedian who tries to make funny articles, but articles like this are fucking stupid. I’m not saying all of them are, but ones like this definitely are. Can’t wait for all of your gay comments…

    13 years ago at 5:21 pm
    1. CarBro Shorts

      Wow you people are all a bunch of douchebags who just agree with everything on this site, just because it’s on this site. I feel sorry for you guys, and maybe that’s why all of these flatbilled GDI’s are taking your women and bars, because everybody is over all of your bullshit. You guys are probably the ones going around saying “TFM, bro!” after everything. Just like these articles…”Oh cool he said America like twice and he said fuck GDI’s, and how much money he actually doesn’t have. Cool!” Whatever, I feel sorry for you people who are gonna get out of college in 1-4 years and realize that everything isn’t a “TFM.”

      13 years ago at 5:40 pm
    2. CarBro Shorts

      Obviously, it’s a joke. You know, like a play on words…Jesus, you are fucking stupid.

      13 years ago at 5:52 pm
    3. Fratrick Dempsey

      I agree. I was thorougly disappointed and hoping for something special to come out of this article. The only thing I thought was somewhat good about this article was the fact that I can show it to a fellow lost brother who believes his flatbill hat is still socially acceptable in most party scenes. Realisticly speaking, your plan to take out these flat bill wearing GDI’s will never happen.

      Sterling Cooper, I will not praise you for this article because it lacks praise. You called out what GDI’s do, correct. But at the same time you somewhat praised them for getting our women.

      Your articles in the past have been humorous. But what makes them so humorous is the fact that everything was believable. How you ended your article was a total GDI Move. Now I will probably get shit for saying that, but let’s notice what he did. He made a fake, unrealistic, scenario, that will never happen. He made this scenary online. He practically did some role playing.

      I am not bashing you as a person, Sterling Cooper. I am, however, telling you to not force your comedy. You are a hilarious man, but this, this was just a disappointment.

      13 years ago at 5:54 pm
    4. friendsinbroplaces

      Right with you Carbro. The dumbest thing about the post in my mind is how Sterling bashes on having muscles. Since when was it cool to be a pussy? How in the hell is taking care of yourself a bad thing? Last time I checked, the majority of our servicemen conditioned themselves so that when the time came for them to engage the enemy, they could kick his ass.

      13 years ago at 6:04 pm
    5. bromontana7

      I thought the article was funny and entertaining. It is pretty true, at my school, all the baseball wanna-be’s drink four lokos and red bulls. And are by far the douchiest kids at school

      13 years ago at 6:14 pm
    6. CarBro Shorts

      I mean I understand the whole taking care of yourself thing, but nobody wants a guy looking like some guy off the Jersey Shore. My whole point about this article, going off of what Fratrick Dempsey said, the guy proposed a bullshit article with a bullshit solution that he thought would be funny and it really wasn’t. Everybody on here just loves it because it was the “almighty Sterling Cooper” who posted it. The ending is probably one of the most ignorant solutions I have ever heard (usually ignorance gets bashed pretty hard on this site) yet everybody is just going along with being “frat” and can’t form their own opinions about anything unless this site forms it for them.

      13 years ago at 6:19 pm
    7. Haze W

      I agree with Carbo Shorts. Sterling Cooper don’t know you as a person so i won’t say anything about you as a person but clearly you need to step your game up. Oh and by the way y’all look like a bunch of nerds when you say “oh nice job my fine sir!” What is this a fucking renaissance fair?

      13 years ago at 6:41 pm
    8. Bromigo

      You wanna-be fratstars don’t like it, make your own website. Post your own columns, show your ways to be, set your standards of greek life, do whatever. Cheers Sterling.

      13 years ago at 7:09 pm
    9. PoloRalphLauren

      Maybe y’all are just a bunch of poor GDI’s but if one of our brothers’ family’s have the money to buy the Houston fucking Astros them im sure someone who is on this site has enough to purchase any one of those shitty brands. CarBro, ten bucks says your one of those geeds who tries so hard to frat well but you are and always will be a GDI. have a nice day

      13 years ago at 7:12 pm
    10. Terrel Browens

      I forgot that everything on this website is to be taken seriously. Thanks for reminding me, CarBro virgin.

      13 years ago at 10:04 pm
    11. Bid

      CarBro Shorts. Newsflash. This site is not a fratstar handbook. It’s not like Sterling is giving orders to a battalion. This site is here for entertainment. Being preachy here is like getting actively offended at a comedy club. Do yourself a favor and keep your wisdom to yourself.

      13 years ago at 12:09 am
    12. johnwallofKD

      Some people take these articles seriously enough to critique them. This is TFM, not school. I thought the article was funny and left it at that.

      13 years ago at 6:34 am
    13. the nelson

      Taking a website seriously enough to get upset at an article written about flatbill hats and then defending yourself on your own comment multiple times. WTF. Its supposed to be funny. Laugh mother Fucker.

      13 years ago at 8:18 am
    14. thefrattestofthemall

      holy shit. its a damn joke website. if your getting your panties up in a bunch over this shit go to the fucking tsm wall and post some damn recipes and talk about the latest arts and crafts. its a joke, gentleman. take it as one. if you didn’t like it post “gay” or “this one sucked”. dont post several paragraphs worth of shit that none of us really wish to read. jesus christ your fucking women

      13 years ago at 11:04 am
    15. IHSFrat1855

      CarBro answer me this. Do you just sit here an hit refresh, or do you come back every hour to check what people say about you? If its that big of a deal go read a book or something. No one forces you to come here.

      13 years ago at 10:37 am
  6. MemberLot

    I’ve never been swagger jacked by a flatbill wearing GDI. Get your game up or get out. these people are of no concern for true fratdaddys.

    13 years ago at 5:28 pm