Geeds Announce Their Revolution

This is terrifying. These geeds appear to be organizing. Something has gone horribly wrong.

“You remember that one moment when somebody stands up for you in a subway. It feels nice, doesn’t it?” No. I don’t remember that moment because I don’t ride the subway, and if I did I’d be throwing foreigners from their seats before giving them the opportunity to stand. For those of you who’ve been living under a rock, geeds (pronunciation: |jēds|) are GDIs. God Damn Independents. And they seem to be forming some sort of well-meaning assembly to better the world, presumably for other geeds. The last thing we want are geeds helping geeds. Especially geeds who appear to be exchange students that think the word is pronounced with a hard “G” and formed when the words “good deeds” are combined.

I can’t watch this video, particularly from :10 to :20, without bursting into laughter. I’m sorry, but this is one of the stupidest fucking hilarious things I’ve ever seen. I had to post it in order to share the horror.

  1. MowMyLawn

    Interns don’t deserve opinions. Plus, a true American wouldn’t throw foreigners from their seats. That would be brutish. A true American would embrace foreigners with welcome arms to show them how great our country really is.

    13 years ago at 8:17 pm
    1. Tom Fratty

      Yeah we don’t need immigrants to take away all the good jobs from Americans like landscaping, roofing, and any other manual labor! Because we all know if it was Americans out there working, they would work for pennies on the dollar like he immigrants do now.

      13 years ago at 10:51 pm
    2. Harold Jacobsen

      Tom Fratty, if you’re implying the old “immigrants do jobs Americans aren’t willing to do” argument, that’s one of the most ignorant things I’ve ever read on this site. Have you ever watched the show Dirty Jobs? There are Americans who scuba dive in shit or inseminate horses to make a living. Americans will do absolutely any job as long as they get an honest paycheck. If whoever the fuck is hiring all these illegal immigrants would pay fair wages and abide by safe working conditions, we wouldn’t need another immigrant in this country.

      13 years ago at 7:27 am
    3. Tom Fratty

      Harold you are right. IF employers paid all their workers fair wages the. We wouldn’t need immigrants but the undeniable truth is that they don’t. I’m not saying that all “bad” jobs are held by immigrants, but answer me this, who is building houses? Who is in the construction site? Who built our railroads? Who is doing our landscaping? It’s a majority of minorities that have come here (legally or illegally) to work whatever job comes their way. There are Americans doing those jobs, but my argument is that if it was only Americans doing those jobs that would raise the price of the product due to an increase in wages. Immigrants are good for us. You can’t deny that.

      13 years ago at 10:54 am
    4. Brodyssius

      I have done a lot of research on the subject and everything I have found says that immigrants, both legal and illegal, do not “take” jobs from Americans and have no effect or very little effect on American unemployment rates. Additionally, they do not reduce wages for Americans as a whole. They do, however, pose an occupational threat to low-skilled Americans in the form of decreased wages and an increased liklihood of unemployment, but we are talking small percentages of 1-3%. Having said that, I am not particularly sympathetic to the plight of the uneducated or low-skilled American who dropped out of high school or didn’t take an education or acquiring skills seriously when they should have. Also, the majority of Americans benefit from immigrants because they reduce input costs for goods and services that we buy or use.

      On the whole, immigrants benefit the country, but they do not benefit everyone equally. This is not to say that the current system isn’t broken, because it certainly is, but it must be understood that we need immigrants.

      13 years ago at 2:00 pm
    5. Tom Fratty

      I completely agree with you. So why did we start arguing in the first place? That was very well put. Go America.

      13 years ago at 11:12 pm
  2. NotAGDI

    This is so fucking stupid. I don’t think they even know what greek life is. worst column i’ve read on here.

    13 years ago at 8:20 pm
  3. TeethandAmbition

    I couldn’t help but notice not one of those was without some sort of awkward deformity.

    13 years ago at 8:30 pm
  4. hooah12

    The guy in the white button down seems to have some great FRAtential, can he be saved still?

    13 years ago at 8:35 pm
    1. Saint_Fratrics_day

      Thats what I thought. I think the name is just some weird coincidence. They probably don’t even know what GDI means.

      13 years ago at 9:34 pm
    2. Quasi Broto

      The “geeds” that they are speaking of is a combination of the the words good deeds, therefore making the word geed with a hard g. Nothing anti-fraternal. Just a coincidence that these geeds are trying to perform geeds for some reason.Let’s go back to raging gentlemen, and just forget and disregard this or what the fuck ever.

      13 years ago at 9:03 am
  5. Frappa Fralpha

    why is this on here? who gives a fuck? Tell the TFM pledge to get back in the basement.

    13 years ago at 9:20 pm
  6. WWW1858

    I’m going to file a law suit against them for stealing our copyrighted term of geed. See how much longer them and they’re ACLU funded website stay on the internet.

    13 years ago at 10:46 pm