My dad's secretary makes 6 figures. TFM.

  1. brosophicles

    is that some new kind of sammich i haven’t heard of cause otherwise i can’t figure out why he would boost her self esteem by paying her so much for such a remedial job. unless youre trying to relate the secretary’s salary to your dad’s because then it sounds like youre saying your dad gets paid like a chick…

    14 years ago at 12:36 am
    1. penguins and pearls

      I don’t believe you meant to use the word “remedial”. This is a term used when discussing things that are “affording a remedy; curative” as defined by Miriam Webster. I believe the word that you are looking for is “menial”. The word “menial”, as defined by Miriam Webster, means “lowly and sometimes degrading: menial work”.

      14 years ago at 2:48 pm
  2. Brodyssius

    Dad’s Secretary = Dad’s Wife.
    Six Figure Salary = Allowance

    My “secretary” will have a six figure “salary” as well.

    14 years ago at 12:50 am