The only thing that changed about my wardrobe from private school to the SEC was the school logo on my tucked in polo. TFM.

  1. ......

    you went to private school but ended up in the SEC? hopefully its vandy, otherwise you wasted that high school tuition money

    14 years ago at 8:10 pm
    1. Dumb

      Its not that we’re going to an SEC school for an education. We go for the greek life, which is far superior to that of any other region (with few exceptions), the girls, which are hotter than any Ivy League school, and for the fact they pay us to go there, because its not hard to get scholarships, which we waste weekly on blacking out and betting on horses all while keeping the trust fund. Consider yourself educated and cheated while I rage and slam. TFM.

      14 years ago at 1:55 am
  2. Brothesda

    A real Frat Star would not car about money. Private schools, can give you great connections later in life. Something you know nothing about.

    14 years ago at 8:31 pm
    1. ......

      I did go to private school, I now attend a top tier university, not a below average state school in the SEC

      14 years ago at 8:32 pm
  3. Natural

    you don’t go to private school because you want a better education you go because you don’t want to be around all the poor kids in public school.

    14 years ago at 8:31 pm
    1. ProperlySouthern1890

      Same. Even my Private middle school made us wear Oxfords and Khaki’s everyday.

      14 years ago at 3:31 am